Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia selected to host WHO/ TDR international postgraduate training scheme

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia has been selected to host an international postgraduate training scheme for masters and PhD level students, providing full scholarship to up to 50 Master and 5 PhD students in the next four years (2015-2019). The grants are available to students from low- and middle-income countries of WHO South East Asia and West Pacific regions. The training will be focused on implementation research, which supports the identification of health system bottlenecks and approaches to address them.

TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, has provided the award. TDR is hosted at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, where it is co-sponsored by UNICEF, UNDP, the World Bank and WHO.

Founded in year 1946, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) strives to improve the health status of the population through education, research and community service. Research performance and postgraduate students have been increasing substantially, supported by growing international recognition.

Prof Teguh Aryandono, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine says, “We are proud to play a greater role in teaching postgraduate students in the Asia Pacific region. This is in line with our vision to be an excellent and innovative, internationally recognised Faculty serving national interest and humanity. This programme strengthens our path to become locally rooted and globally respected”.

Faculty of Medicine UGM is one of seven universities from low- and middle-income countries that have been selected to manage these grants. There are three universities in Africa, 2 in Asia, and 1 each in Latin America and the Middle East. Each will serve students from their regions.

The new overall plan will provide up to US$ 13 million in support for over 200 PhD and Masters degree students in the next 4 years. The grants are available to students from low- and middle-income countries. The goal is to enhance postgraduate training capacity and boost the number of researchers in these countries, and provide regional support through these universities and the Regional Training Centres supported by TDR.

TDR Director John Reeder says, “This is a sea change for us. We are moving from managing individual training grants from Geneva to strengthening ongoing programmes at major universities in disease-endemic countries, where the work needs to take place.”

Grant applications will be released on June 15, 2015 for the Master programme of the academic year of 2015/2016 and November 1, 2015 for the Master and PhD programmes of the academic year of 2016/2017. Recipients will be enrolled as postgraduate students, and their careers will be tracked with the new TDR Global alumni and stakeholder platform that will be launched in the next year, providing ongoing monitoring of the impact of the programme, as well as networking and increased visibility opportunities for students.

The universities selected

Of the 49 applications submitted, 7 were selected for site visits and approved for funding. Each university is expected to manage around 5-10 postgraduate fellowships supported by TDR each year.

In addition to the Faculty of Medicine UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, the other 6 institutions are:

  • James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh
  • Universidad de Antioquia, National School of Public Health, Colombia
  • University of Ghana, School of Public Health, Ghana
  • American University of Beirut, Faculty of Health Sciences, Lebanon
  • University of Witwatersrand, School of Public Health, South Africa
  • University of Zambia, Department of Public Health, Zambia

For more information at the Faculty of Medicine UGM, please contact:

Ms Sari Wulandari, the International Relations Office, Faculty of Medicine, UGM
Tel no: (+62-274) 560300 ext. 115
Mobile no: (+62) 81 125 73111
Fax no: (+62-274) 581876
e-mail: iro.fk@ugm.ac.id
Website: graduate.fk.ugm.ac.id (the International Postgraduate Programme)

For more information about the overall TDR grant programme, contact Olumide Ogundahunsi (ogundahunsio@who.int)

About TDR

TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, is a global programme of scientific collaboration that helps facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases of poverty. TDR is hosted at the World Health Organization (WHO), and is co-sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and WHO.

TDR website: www.who.int/tdr
TDR research capacity strengthening programmes: http://www.who.int/tdr/capacity/en/
More on TDR Global: http://www.who.int/tdr/news/2015/networking-opport-develpd/en/

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