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Webinar Tripartite “Current Challenges in Infectious Disease and Traditional Herbal Medicine”

FK-KMK UGM. Vice Dean for Research and Development Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad(K) along with Chairman of the First Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine/FAHZU, Prof. Tingbo Liang, also Director of Medical, Nursing, and Supporting Services RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Dr. dr. Sri Mulatsih, MPH, SpA(K) gave a welcoming speech in an online webinar titled “Current Challenges in Infectious Disease and Traditional Medicine”, Wednesday (28/9). Webinar that was held by FK-KMK UGM, FAHZU, and RSUP Dr. Sardjito is the first collaboration of tripartite MoU implementation signed in November 2019.

First initiative of the tripartite collaboration program is visitation to FAHZU China was stopped because of Covid-19 pandemic. Review plan of hospital facilities including laboratory and excellent center of FAHZU as an alternative goal of student’s mobility activities and the best practice observation for staff and residents had to be postponed. FAHZU, FK-KMK UGM, and RSUP Dr. Sardjito prioritized the Covid-19 handling program to support the government for 2 years since its first spread in Wuhan, China in December 2019.

Online webinar focused on infectious diseases and traditional medicine is agreed as a tripartite opening collaboration activity that was delayed before. Each institution has a research and excellent service on those 2 topics so through this webinar, we hope to share best practices with each other. In her welcoming speech, Dr. Lina confirmed that, “This tripartite webinar became a good opportunity for strengthening FAHZU, FK-KMK UGM, and RSUP Dr. Sardjito collaboration in those 2 topics”. FAHZU became the National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases in China and has a long history in traditional medicine therapy. FK-KMK UGM and RSUP Dr. Sardjito has a good record of research in infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, and STIs. FAHZU also became one of pioneers in the development of herbal medicine research through the Herbal Medicine Center that was strengthened with the herbal polyclinic of RSUP Dr. Sardjito since 2010.

Infectious disease specialist of FAHZU, Dr. Junwei Su from Department of Infectious Disease became the first speaker with “Malaria Elimination in China and Therapy for Imported Severe Malaria” as a topic. He explained malaria elimination strategy by providing appropriate therapy starting from red blood cell transfusion therapy, continuous care including management of complications and administrations of anti-malaria medication. Second speaker for infectious disease, Dr. dr. Ida Safitri, SpA(K), staff of Tropic Disease and Infection Division of Department Child Health Science is focused on “HIV/AIDS in Pediatric Patients”. Challenges that were faced, beside therapy, is also socio-cultural related problems, such as discrimination and negative stigma of society on HIV/AIDS patiens because of the low society literation.

Dr. Fenglin Hu conveyed “The Distinctive Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapeutic Services in the FAHZU” such as various China’s traditional medicine techniques that used boiled ginseng, tea, granules formula, and wine. Staff of Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine FAHZU also shared external care services that are given in FAHZU such as medicated bath, ears acupuncture, cupping, child messages therapy, chiropractic, etc. FAHZU traditional medicine even took an important role in Covid-19 handling.

Indonesian traditional service care regulated by UU No.36/2009, refers to empirical heredity, both experiences (herbal medicine such as herbs, gurah, and aromatherapy) and skills (acupuncture, acupressure, and massages) is according to norms that is applied in society. Use of herbal ingredients in herbal medicine is based on empirical and scientific proof (pre-clinic and clinical test). Some use of herbs and supplements (turmeric, temulawak, ginger, bitter) as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory that is recommended by BPOM in facing Covid-19. In RSUP Dr. Sardjito, an herbal polyclinic, gave traditional health services in an integrated manner, comprehensives, and sustainability with the support of internal disease specialist doctors, Herbal Medicine Center of FK-KMK and Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. That explanation is given by professor Department of Pharmacology and Therapy of FK-KMK UGM, Prof. Dr. Mae Sri Hartati, Apt., MSi. in the last presentation in a webinar titled “Traditional Health Services in Indonesia”.

The moderator, dr. Yanri Wijayanti Subronto, Ph.D., SpPD-KPTI., who guided the discussion underlined that malaria is the oldest infectious disease that has yet to be completely eradicated. In 2030 Indonesia said that 515 cities will be free from malaria and now there are 230 cities who are the target of elimination. The challenges for FAHZU, FK-KMK UGM, and RSUP Dr. Sardjito with their primacy are collaborating to develop vaccine technology. For traditional medicine, the challenges for China and Indonesia are to educate society who prefer conventional medicine. dr. Yanri pushed each institution to include traditional medicine in the curriculum for medical students so there is an introduction to keep sustainability of traditional medicine that is a high value cultural heritage.

At the end of this webinar, three institutions agreed to plan next activity programs that are more detailed in infectious diseases and herbal medicine, including to realize observation visitation plans of hospital facilities and the excellent center of FAHZU.

Kontributor: Sari Wulandari

Translater: Nirwana

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