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The Relationship between Stunting and Children’s Health

FK-KMK UGM. The Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM held a Guest Lecture on Tuesday (14/3) in the Auditorium, 8th Floor, Tahir Foundation Postgraduate Building.

In this activity, PD Dr. Christiane Scheffler (Human Biologist at the University of Potsdam) was the speaker on the topic “Stunting and Nutrition in Indonesia”. He conducted research related to stunting in Indonesia. From her research, there are several conclusions that can be drawn. Based on what she said, stunting has been going on for a long time. “Children with stunting in the 19th century showed a normal distribution of height and weight. Meanwhile, children with stunting in the modern era show an increase in weight,” she explained.

Christiane also said that nutrition has nothing to do with height. This is emphasized again because until now many people think children have below average height due to lack of nutrition.

Also present Prof. Dr. Michael Hermanussen (Pediatrician at the University of Kiel) as a speaker on the topic “Social Regulators of Human Growth”. In general, Prof. Michael ‘s presentation is in line with the results of research conducted by Christiane. “Having below average weight and height does not mean unhealthy or diseased,” he added. (Nirwana/Reporter)

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