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Support for Clinical Moral Ethics in Medicine

FK-KMK UGM. Prof. Bert Molewijk from UMC University of Amsterdam said that ethics is learning from each other. “Not only teaching what is morally good but it’s also having a dialogue on what is morally good,” he said.

That explanation can be found at CBMH (Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities) webinar of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing titled “A Dialogical Approach to Clinical Ethics Support for Critical Yet Respectful Learning” on Thursday (16/2).

Prof. Bert said that clinical ethics support is a matter for us, it’s one of the few moments in our daily work in which there is time and focus. He also gave some examples of explicit moral questions in clinical practice, such as ‘what is the right timing to use coercion in care?’, “should we cover the high costs for this rare disease?”, and ‘is shared decision-making a duty for the patient?’.

In this webinar, Prof. Bert explained the examples of ethical challenges that may be found in everyday life. Such as, we don’t know what is morally good in some situations, we have two different values and aims but the conflict, and we have different viewpoints within our team about what is morally good.

No need for discussion about what is the right moral dilemma. Different viewpoints on what the dilemma should be, are not seen as a logical or epistemological problem but as a default starting point for a moral injury. (Nirwana/Reporter)

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