Studium Generale KAMP 2024: Building a Medical Career with the Right Strategy

FK-KMK UGM. The Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM, in collaboration with the Alumni Unit and Kagamadok (Gadjah Mada Medical Alumni), will hold a Studium Generale titled “The Fundamentals of Creating Your Own Medical Career Path.” This event will take place on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at the Auditorium Lt.1 Tahir North Wing Building, FK-KMK UGM.

According to Dr. Sudadi, Sp.An., KNA., KAR, Vice Dean for Cooperation, Alumni, and Community Service, the Kagamadok Studium Generale Mentorship Program is designed to prepare students to become alumni who can achieve their dreams. Graduates of FK-KMK UGM are not only doctors, nurses, or nutritionists but also researchers, policymakers, and government policy formulators. This program helps fresh graduates understand broader career perspectives and prepares them to face professional competition in the future.

This event will feature five speakers from various fields, namely: Dr. Cornelius Dandung Bawono, Sp.A., CFP (Doctor, Certified Financial Planner, and Founder of DokterBisa), Prof. Indah Kartika Murni, M.Kes, PhD, Sp.A(K) (Pediatric Cardiologist Consultant), Lutfhi Azizatunnisa’, S.Ked., MPH (Lecturer of the Department of Health Behavior, Environment, and Social Medicine), Yosephin Anandati Pranoto, S.Gz., M.S., R.D. (Dietitian & Lecturer of the Department of Health Nutrition FK-KMK), and Dr. Lisa Musharyanti, S.Kep., Ns., M.Med.Ed (Head of the Master’s Program in Nursing UMY).

Dr. Cornelius Dandung Bawono, Sp.A., CFP, explained the importance of pivoting and strategizing in a career, including financial planning for future investments for doctors and healthcare workers. “Practicing until old age does not guarantee long-term financial independence and stability. Learning finance and thinking strategically are essential skills for doctors and other healthcare workers to survive and navigate various situations,” he said. Dr. Cornelius acknowledged that many doctors lack sufficient understanding of financial planning. Therefore, he founded DokterBisa, a platform that teaches doctors about finance and the soft skills needed in daily medical practice. “In the real world, financial knowledge is essential for doctors. Certified Financial Planner can be for oneself or to help others,” he added.

Prof. Indah Kartika Murni, M.Kes, PhD, Sp.A(K), or commonly known as Prof. Ita, shared her experiences in building her academic career. “When I wanted to become a lecturer, even though it seemed difficult, I still tried to take the opportunity. Although I had to learn and work harder, the results were more meaningful,” she said. Prof. Ita recounted that even though her path to becoming a lecturer was not easy, she adhered to the principle of taking every opportunity available and executing it consistently. “My best mentor is my mother, who instilled in me the mindset to take risks and work hard beyond my limits,” she revealed.

Yosephin Anandati Pranoto, S.Gz., M.S., R.D., also shared her experiences as a nutritionist. “The figure of a nutritionist is often not recognized in society. I decided to change this situation by increasing educational capacity and taking every opportunity available,” she said. Yosephin shared that to become a respected dietitian, she had to do benchmarking abroad and learn as much as possible. “If there is a challenge, I want it, I chase it, I conquer it. Sometimes we have to give room for our plans. We already have a plan, but we must give room for God’s plan,” she stressed. Yosephin also emphasized the importance of prayer and accepting the destiny outlined by God while continuing to strive and work hard.

Lutfhi Azizatunnisa’, S.Ked., MPH added, “In building a career and planning expectations, life sometimes surprises us with many unexpected plot twists. The important thing is how we can embrace the plot twist by building high resilience, continuously adapting, and thinking strategically to strive for better self-quality.”

Studium Generale KAMP 2024 is expected to provide inspiration and guidance for FK-KMK UGM students and alumni in pursuing and developing their careers in the future. This event also supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in the fields of quality education (SDG 4), good health and well-being (SDG 3), and decent work and economic growth (SDG 8). Through this event, it is hoped that graduates can contribute more broadly to sustainable development in various sectors. Studium Generale KAMP gives the opportunity to learn from great mentors and prepare yourself to face future professional challenges. (Assyifa/Reporter)

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