Title/course offered:
Pediatrics |
Pediatrics has 11 subdivisions (allergy immunology, emergency pediatric, endocrinology, gastrohepatology, hemato-oncology, infection and tropical disease, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, nutrition and metabolic disease, perinatology, respirology, and pediatric social. The leading service currently being developed include perinatology ward, emergency pediatric ward, and child development outward. |
General purpose:
Special purpose:
Two weeks – four weeks Activities:
Diagnosis and management according to subdivisions that of the interest to student Practical sessions: – Observe duty in polyclinic and ward Tutorial:
Measurable learning outcome:
– Ability to perform history taking, physical examination, and clinical reasoning in healthy and sick children in pediatrics |
Tailor-made activities:
Available |
Number of participant:
Min 3 student |
Person in charge | dr. Afrilia Intan Pratiwi, M.Sc, Sp.A | ||
Contact Number | Office
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak |
afriliaintanp@gmail.com |
+62856 9454 0209 |