Incoming Elective Program


Elective program is a flagship program in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada to organize students’ placements from overseas universities who interested in:

  1. increasing their knowledge on certain disease that are prevalent in Indonesia.
  2. obtaining new experiences of observing the clinical and/ or community setting in Indonesia.
  3. getting the best practices of Indonesian health system, including Indonesian culture and its social aspects.

To take part in elective program, you must be at least a third-year student at our partner universities under MOU (click here for list of partner universities), or other universities non-MOU with special terms and conditions applied.  For observership on clinical settingss, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada is closely collaborating with Dr. Sardjito Hospital. We gladly welcome elective students to explore, experience our program and enjoy our campus life which depicts blend of cultural power, professional life, and technological advance.


Elective students are accepted for a total period of between 2 – 6 weeks. Each departments will only accept for maximum 4 (four) participants per program at the same period. The recommended period is January – December, except for the first week of January and the last week of December due to Christmas and New Year holiday. This schedule would also be adjusted with Ied Mubarak holiday which changes every year.

How To Apply

Application materials

  1. Letter of Recommendation from the applicants’ Dean,
  2. Motivation letter
  3. Curriculum Vitae,
  4. A copy of Passport (ID page only),
  5. Copy of vaccine certificate (Hepatitis A, typhoid, influenza, and DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus)) – Compiled in a PDF file.
  6. A copy of international student health insurance (optional, but strongly recommended).
  7. Four (4) pcs passport size photographs and two (2) pcs 3X4 size photographs, recommended in red background (submitted to the International Relation Office / IRO on arrival).

Mind that your application will be processed only if all those above documents are enclosed!

Application Process

  1. For applicants from partner universities under MoU, you should be officially nominated by their home university through their international office/international coordinator.
    For applicants from non-MoU universities, please contact the International Relation Office (IRO) by sending an email to with the subject “Incoming Elective”.
  2. Login to the elective page here: If you don’t have an account, you can register first.
  3. Choose the ‘Apply Incoming Elective Program’ link and complete the form.
  4. Upload the required documents, such as Letter of Recommendation from the applicants’ Dean, Curriculum vitae, A copy of Passport (ID page only), an outline (a brief proposal) indicating the specific purpose and expectation joining the elective program at the department the applicant wish to apply for, a copy of international student health insurance (optional, but strongly recommended).
  5. After getting confirmation from the expected department, IRO will send applicants the letter of invitation as well as UGM sponsor visa (socio-cultural visa).

Mind that nomination from home university doesn’t guarantee any acceptance in the elective program, as all really depends on the availability resources at each department in the period the applicant would like to apply for.

Application Deadline

The deadline of application for each period is SIX months before the implementation.

Department’s Program

The activities are mostly conducted at Faculty of Medicine and Dr. Sardjito teaching hospital. In addition, it could be conducted at satellite hospital or field visit to networking health centers of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada. The elective program offers various activities both in clinical and preclinical department, as follows (further information about departments please click here.):

Clinical Department Non Clinical Department
Obstetrics & Gynecology Public Health
Internal Medicine Nursing
Pediatric Anatomy
Surgery Pharmacology and Therapy
Psychiatry Histology
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Clinical Pathology
Neurology Microbiology
Cardiology Health Nutrition
Anesthesiology and Intensive Theraphy

We also offers tailor-made elective program based on request of which depend on availabilities and requirements of each department.  Mind that it is a non-waived tuition fee program.

Target Participants

Medical, nursing, and nutrition students at least 3rd year of studies could take the elective program with the Dean recommendation from home institution.

Program Fees *

No Item Term of Payment
1 Application fee: US $100 It’s a non-refundable fee and payable on submission of each completed application form to IRO.
2 Course fee: US $250 per month It’s used solely for support of the courses involved in expected department covering hospital/ clinical/ ward activities, field visit, lecture/ mentoring .

* waiver for MoU universities

  • It’s waiver program fees for applicants from partner universities under MoU as long as they meet regulation of program duration within 4 weeks maximum. For those who exceed 4 weeks and 4 students will only be charged course fee accordingly.
  • Bank Account: BNI UGM Branch, UGM FKU KAF PENERIMAAN PENDIDIKAN LAINNYA, Account number: 9888807011130003, Virtual account code:  Program Elektif Non Degree, Swift code BNINIDJAXXX

Please note that changing the department during the program running, will be charged for application fee.


There are several places to stay near the faculty and you can find it in here.

Outgoing Exchange Program

Outgoing elective program offers the widest opportunity to all students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada in participating students exchange program overseas at both partner universities under MoU (please see the list of partner universities here) and non-MoU with or without credit transfer.

For the first step, please click to register. However, if you already have an account, you can login directly. Fill in the online application form due to the official nomination by faculty to the host university in which you would like to apply for.  At the same time, students have to process an official permit letter for outgoing by submitting these following forms:

  1. Surat Permohonan Izin Kegiatan Ke Luar Negeri
  2. Surat Pernyataan Menanggung Akademis

and enclosed by:

  • academic transcript;
  • TOEFL/IELTS certificate;
  • CV;
  • motivation letter;
  • Letter of Invitation (LoI)/Letter of Acceptance (LoA)

to the Department of Academic and Student Affairs, 1st floor of KPTU Building (Mrs. Mita).

For those who interested in enrolling credit transfer as part of Block Elective D.3.,  you have to meet up the following administrative requirements as well as the regulation of Block Coordinator D.3.:

  1. Actively registered as a 3rd-year medical student
  2. Complete the form of elective credit transfer proposal
  3. Enclose the legalized academic transcript with score/minimum GPA of 2.75
  4. Enclose the valid legalized certificate of TOEFL/IELTS with score minimum 450 (TOEFL) and 4 (IELTS)
  5. Enclose the letter of acceptance (LoA) or letter of invitation (LoI) from host university or IFMSA

All documents are compiled in a red folder, then submitted to secretariat of undergraduate program in medicine at Grha Wiyata. Block Coordinator D.3 will then review and approve it later along with the Head of Undergraduate Program in Medicine if the documents meet up all requirements.

The required documents and form can be downloaded here.

Summer and Winter Course Program


The summer course or winter course  is aimed to improve interprofessionalism management with their accompanying problems by interdisciplinary and multi-university approach. Interprofessional Education and globalization are mutually correlated and there is no barrier between each profession and country in holistic health problem management (one health approach). Healthcare professionals including doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, nutritionists, and public health experts are set up to deal with complex healthcare system in an effort to prosper patients and community. This summer course outlines health sciences, integrated with social sciences and population study in health system.

Students will get to know public health comprehensively through activities in the field / community and not limited to understanding the concept only. Summer Course on Interprofessional Health Care provides students the opportunity to explore communities with diverse health program needs. This is primarily related to rural communities with limited facilities and access, which may not be the same with the ideal concept of health. Students are also faced with the actual situation as a health profession challenged to face different contexts, practicing empathy as well as real leadership in providing community health solutions. The effort to build a healthy community is essential, and one of them is through the targeted public health services.

Further information about summer and winter course program, please see