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Next Generation Sequencing as a Health Revolution

FK-KMK UGM. Next Generation Sequencing is a hot topic among researchers. In this Wednesday and Thursday (7-8/9), Prof. Christian Gilissen from Radboud University did a visit to the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing as a guest lecturer in some seminars.

First seminar titled “Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis and Variant Interpretation” is held on Wednesday (7/9) at Graduate Room 2nd Floor, FK-KMK UGM.

On Thursday (8/9), Prof. Christian Gilissen became speaker in 2 seminars titled “Role of NGS in Congenital Anomalies/Genetic Disorders in Surgery” and “Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing”. Not only held in FK-KMK UGM, these seminars can be joined by a zoom meeting.

“Through NGS, we can read million even billion DNA at the same time”, Prof. Christian Gilissen as a Professor in Genome Bioinformatics said. It is a revolution that helps doctors do their work easier.

Based on what he said, knowing the genetic cause is important for patients in order to know what is the best treatment for them. “This technology is cheaper and faster”, Prof. Christian Gilissen said in this Wednesday’s seminar.

Prof. Christian Gilissen explained that developing countries also have potency in this technology development. Cost is always the challenge for them, but it doesn’t matter. Developing countries can collaborate with western countries in developing NGS.

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