MUSKETEERS COURSE 2012 – An Intensive Course on Basic Immunology and Immunodiagnostic


“The Musketeers” course is an intensive course on basic immunology and immunodiagnostic. This course was started in 2001 run by a collaboration between Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada and Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands to establish an international standardized course on immunology. Since 2009 the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada is considered to be able to organized the course without any further assistance from Vrije Universiteit. The course is divided into 2 terms; 3 weeks in February and 3 weeks in the following April or May, and are conducted in English. More than 60 alumni are working in several fields of immunology at Universitas Gadjah Mada, University of Indonesia, Brawidjaya University ,Airlangga University, Hasanuddin University and others. We are encouraging the alumni to establish links and cooperation in research and education on immunology. Since the spirit of this course is “Teach the Teachers” for spreading the science of immunology in Indonesia, several alumni are also invited to teach in this course and in the advance course of immunology, which is held during the second term of the Musketeers course. All of the participants who pass the exam will get diploma, with transferable 5 credit system units, signed by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada.


Learning activities First term Second term
Lectures Immunobiology, chapter 1-11, toolbox Immunobiology chapter 12-14
Practical sessions ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Lymphocyte Isolation, FACS Analysis, Machropage Activity, Immunobloting None
Discussion and presentation Morning discussion to review the previous day’s lectures Each participant should present two articles from international journals during the course
Examination Test exam Final examination


  • The participants are medical doctors, health professionals and biologists who are working or interested in the field of immunology.
  • The candidate should send his/her curriculum vitae and supporting letter from his/her institution to the secretariat. Exact time for interview will be informed via email. Candidates live in places far from Yogyakarta may be interviewed via phone call.
  • The result of the interview will be announced via email. Only 8-10 candidates will be accepted in one batch.
  • Every participant should join each learning activities in the first and second term as well as pass the final examination to receive a diploma
  • Each participant is automatically registered for advance course on immunology for 2 days during the second term.


  1. Rina Susilowati, dr.Ph.D
  2. Dewajani Purnomosari, dra. M.Si., Ph.D
  3. Umi S Intansari, dr. M.Kes., Sp.PK
  4. Mahardika A. W., Dr. dr DTM & H.M.Kes
  5. Madarina Julia, dr. MPH. Sp.A., Ph.D
  6. Teguh Triyono,dr. M.Kes. Sp.PK
  7. Jajah Fachiroh, S.P, M.Si., Ph.D
  8. Dewi Kartikawati Paramita, M.Si., Ph.D
  9. Kartika Widayati, dr. Sp.PD -KHOM
  10. Susanna Hilda Hutajulu, dr. Sp.PD
  11. Hera Nirwati, dr. M.Kes
  12. E. Henny Herningtyas, dr. M.Si., Ph.D
  13. Others


Selected candidate should deposit

  • USD 650 (six hundred fifty US dollars) for participants from other countries.
  • IDR 5.500.000 (five million five hundred rupiah) for participants from other faculty in UGM and other universities in Indonesia.
  • IDR 4.500.000 (four million five hundred rupiah) for participant works or studies in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada.
  • Participants who completed the course on time will receive IDR 500.000 refund.
  • If after payment a candidate fail to show up in the course or fail in completing the program, the payment can not be refunded.

Secretariat :
Department of Histology and Cell Biology
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada
Tel/fax : +62-274-546486
Mobile. +62-274 9446525

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