FK-KMK UGM. Being a student means having roles and responsibilities, especially in academic aspects. This is certainly a challenge, especially for new students who are still in the transition period from school to college.
In the Talkshow ‘Menjadi Mahasiswa FK-KMK’ or Becoming a FK-KMK Student which was one of the main sessions on the first day of PIONIR Morfogenesis 2024 on Wednesday (31/07), Prof. dra. R.A Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Sc., Ph.D as Head of the Department of Health Behavior, Environment, and Social Medicine, delivered material on the importance of maintaining mental health for FK-KMK students and how to overcome it.
Maintaining health, including mental health, is important to support professionalism and integrity as a student. Prof. Yayi said that there are several things that can be done to maintain mental health, one of which is by implementing hobbies. “I think hobbies are important so as not to be stressed and depressed,” said Prof. Yayi.
Other things that can be done include establishing closeness with friends and the surrounding environment, organizing and prioritizing activities, providing enough time to rest, maintaining a diet, and always thinking positively. By implementing these things, it is hoped that students can be healthy both physically and mentally.
Prof. Yayi also conveyed various mental health facilities available in the FK-KMK UGM environment. FK-KMK has a chatbot for mental health, Teman Baik facilities to be listeners for other students, psychologists, psychiatrists, and an integrated referral system with network hospitals.
The PIONIR Morfogenesis activity is an introduction to the FK-KMK environment for new students. PIONIR Morfogenesis 2024 will be held from July 31 to August 1, 2024 at FK-KMK UGM. The series of activities carried out in PIONIR Morfogenesis is one of the efforts to support the creation of quality education in the FK-KMK environment, in accordance with the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 4, namely Quality Education. (Reporter: Fauziah)