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Medical Study Program of FK-KMK UGM Achieves Accreditation from ASIIN

FK-KMK UGM. Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM received Accreditation Commission by ASIIN (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik) for Undergraduate Medical Study Program and Medical Professional Study Program. ASIIN is an international accreditation agency from Germany for engineering, mathematics and science, agriculture, biology, and medicine.

According to Dr. dr. Denny Agustiningsih, M.Kes., AIFM (Head of Medical Education Study Program of FK-KMK UGM), international accreditation, one of which is ASIIN, is important so that the Medical Study Program of FK-KMK UGM has international standards that are equivalent to Medical Study Programs around the world. “One of the benefits of this equality is that it makes it easier for students who will do student exchanges or internships abroad without having to make a Curriculum Certificate, because the curriculum follows international standards,” he added.

What the Faculty does to meet the international standards of ASIIN accreditation is to follow the applicable rules, such as organizing outcome-based education and curriculum evaluation. Curriculum evaluation and changes are then submitted to ASIIN as evidence that the Medical Study Program always makes changes from the evaluation that has been carried out.

To support the process of applying for ASIIN accreditation, FK-KMK UGM always conducts socialization with all parties involved, namely lecturers, students, and education staff. In addition, FK-KMK UGM also conducts comparative studies with other universities that have received ASIIN accreditation first.

dr. Denny revealed that the biggest challenge in applying for ASIIN accreditation was collecting HR data. This is because hundreds of lecturers teach, but the data is owned by each department. It takes time to collect and process the data.

After successfully obtaining Full Accreditation from ASIIN, FK-KMK UGM has made plans for the future to continue developing quality. ASIIN gave several recommendations related to this, including summarizing the final exam, improving the ability of lecturers, and providing opportunities for underprivileged students to participate in student exchanges. In addition, FK-KMK UGM also commits to increasing cooperation with universities in Europe so that opportunities to exchange knowledge and experience are increasingly open.

To maintain the Accreditation Commission from ASIIN, FK-KMK UGM uses the PDCA method (Plan, Do, Check, Act). This method can help FK-KMK UGM improve or increase the process, system, and performance of all related parties in a sustainable manner. (Nirwana/Reporter)

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