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JCOEMPH FK-KMK UGM Organizes 5th Conference on Community Empowerment for Health (5th CCE Health)

This year the Journal of Community Empowerment for Health (JCOEMPH) of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held an international conference in collaboration with the Just In Time Conference entitled “5th Conference on Community Empowerment for Health ft Just In Time Conference 2023” with a major theme “Aligning of Health Professional Education and Health Practice” in a blended method. This conference aims to prepare community service implementers qualified in community service and scientific principles. This conference was held with four series of events, starting with Workshop and Mentoring for Writing Scientific Articles based on Community Service, Photo Competition, Fieldtrip to the FK-KMK UGM assisted village, and Conference, the main activity.

The 1st CCE Health was held successfully in 2019, with more than 70 participants from various regions and institutions in Indonesia. The results of the scientific manuscript from the 1st CCE Health were published in Volume 2 Number 2 in 2019. Then in 2020, JCOEMPH continued the second CCE Health, the 2nd CCE Health. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held online with more participants in the 2nd CCE Health than the 1st CCE Health, namely 135 participants. In addition, field trip activities were also eliminated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The results of the scientific manuscript at 2nd CCE Health have been published in Volume 4 Number 2 and Number 3 in 2021.

In 2021 JCOEMPH continues to hold the 3rd CCE Health online with the theme “Community Education in the new normal of COVID-19 pandemic” The scientific manuscripts selected at the 3rd CCE Health will be published in Volume 5 Number 1 in April 2022 and edition number 2 in August 2022. JCOEMPH also held a Photo Competition with 71 photos submitted. Continued in 2022, JCOEMPH again held the 4th CCE Health. 4th CCE Health was held with a hybrid method with 50 conference participants and 149 Photo Competition participants.

Special this year, the 5th CCE Health was organized with a series of “Road to CCE” events. The first event began with a workshop with the theme “Writing Community-Based Paper” which was attended by 124 participants. Followed by the Community Service-based Scientific Writing Assistance activity which was attended by 12 participants. The mentoring was carried out by all JCOEMPH editors. After that, there was a Photo Competition which was attended by 166 participants with a total of 166 photos registered for the competition.

The 5th CCE Health ft JIT Conference 2023 was held on July 9-10, 2023 at Bambang Soetarso Auditorium, FK-KMK, UGM, Yogyakarta. This event was attended by 67 participants both offline and online with 75 abstracts submitted and 42 abstracts selected. On the first day, July 9, 2023, the event began with Symposium activities filled by Dr. Sri Awalia Febriana, Sp.KK (K), Ph.D. with the material “Implementation of Interprofessional Practice in the Community Setting – Batik Sehat”. The second activity was continued with Field Visit activities to Donokerto Village, Turi, Sleman, and Yogyakarta. Participants of the 5th CCE Health ft JIT Conference 2023 were invited to get to know the making of Jamu Kencur Hitam, the batik process as well as traveling in Donokerto Village, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The first day was closed with a dinner at Bambang Soetarso Auditorium, FK-KMK, UGM, Yogyakarta.

On the second day, July 10, 2023, the first event was a Keynote Speaker filled by Prof. Lambert Schuwirth from Flinders University with the material “Outcome Based Education and Assessment: Has it been fair?”. Followed by the second event, namely Oral Presentation by participants. In this session, participants presented their full manuscripts packaged in the form of scientific posters to the JCOEMPH editors. The last event on the second day was another Keynote Speaker session filled by Dr. dr. Darwito, Sp. B-Onk with the material “Evidence and Value-based Health Policy”. This conference activity ended with the announcement of the best Oral Presentation by JIT and JCOEMPH and the best Photo Competition by JCOEMPH. The winners of the best Oral Presentation by JCOEMPH were 1st place Dimas Septian Eko Wahyu Sumunar, S.Kep., Ns., 2nd place Thareq Barasabha, S.Ked., dr., M.T and 3rd place Sifa Aulia Wicaksari, S.Gz., M.Gizi. Photo Competition winners, 1st place Yusuf Nugroho, 2nd place Adidiastoro Harmawan, 3rd place Vendi Rizki Kesworo, 4th place Giri Wijayanto and 5th place Renova Astriani. (Contributors: Dini Cristia Ningsih, S.Kep., Ns/JCOEMPH)


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