JCOEMPH FK-KMK UGM Organized the 6th Conference on Community Empowerment for  Health (6th CCE Health): Multi Helix Community Empowerment 

FK-KMK UGM. This year, the Journal of Community Empowerment for Health (JCOEMPH) of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a conference entitled “6th Conference on Community Empowerment for Health” with a theme “Multi Helix Community Empowerment”. The conference was held on a fully online method through Zoom Apps. The aim of this conference was to enhance the understanding and knowledge regarding the concept of multi-helix collaboration and the roles of various development actors in community activities. This conference was held with three series of events, starting with Photo Competition with the same theme, Workshop Community Based Paper Writing, and the conference. Multi Helix Community Empowerment, as the big theme, brings together the multi sectors on their role for improving health quality. This theme is related to the Sustainable Development Goals number 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), number 4 (Quality Education), and number 17 (Partnership for The Goals). The various topics covered in the participants’ submitted papers were insightful and pertinent for supporting the SDGs.

The first CCE Health was successfully held in 2019, attracting over 70 participants from various regions and institutions across Indonesia. The scientific manuscripts from this first conference were published in Volume 2, Number 2 of 2019. In 2020, JCOEMPH hosted the second CCE Health, which was conducted online. This second conference saw an increase in participation, with a total of 135 attendees. The findings from the second CCE Health were published in Volume 4, Numbers 2 and 3 of 2021. The third CCE Health was conducted online with the theme “Community Education in the New Normal of the COVID-19 Pandemic” The scientific publications from this conference were featured in Volume 5, Number 1 in April 2022, and in Edition 2 in August 2022. In 2022, the fourth CCE Health was organized in a hybrid format, focusing on the theme “Community Empowerment in the Digital Era.” During the 5th CCE Health, JCOEMPH collaborated with FRIENDSHIP, RPCPE (Review of Primary Care Practice and Education), and CFHC-IPE (Community and Family Health Care Interprofessional Education) for the 2023 Just In Time Conference. The overarching theme was “Aligning Health Professional Education and Health Practice” and the conference attracted approximately 67 participants.

This year, marked as the sixth year, CCE Health was held on July 12, 2024 virtually. This event was attended by 54 participants with 41 abstract submitted. The event began with the opening speech from Deputy Dean for Cooperation, Alumni, and Community Service, FK-KMK, UGM Dr. dr. Sudadi, Sp.An., KNA, KAR and the Chief Editor of JCOEMPH dr. Widyandana, MHPE., Ph.D., Sp.M(K). The next session was the Keynote Speaker session with the topic “Strategies for Developing Effective Community Service Programs: A Case Study on Ophthalmic Care Programs” with Mr. Hari Bahadur Karki, DECH, MA from Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Nepal. The next keynote speaker session brought the topic “Implementation of The Multi Helix Approach in Community Empowerment Activities” with Prof. dr. Adi Utarini, M.Sc., MPH., Ph.D from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. The session continued with the discussion session with Dr. dr. M. Nurhadi Rahman, Sp.OG Subsp. UROGIN-RE as moderator.

After the discussion session with the keynote speakers, there was also an open discussion with participants about “Strategy for initiating multi-helix community empowerment approaches”. Some of the participants shared their experiences on community empowerment programs with dr. Widyandana, MHPE., Ph.D., Sp.M(K) as moderator. Followed by the next session, namely Oral Presentation by participants. In this session, participants presented their manuscript packaged in the form of scientific posters to the JCOEMPH Editorial Board. The last session was the Plan of Action and winner announcement session with dr. Hanggoro Tri Rinonce, Sp.PA(K)., Ph.D as moderator.

The winners of the best Oral Presenter were: 1st place Febriana Kurniasari, S.K.M. with the paper titled “Assistance of Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Daerah (KPAD) in Community-Based Management and Prevention of HIV/AIDS”, 2nd place Ns. Sofiyah Tri Indrianingsih, M.Kep. with the paper titled “Breaking Ground for the Future: School Collaboration in Preventing Child Marriage in Gorontalo”, 3rd place Hesteria Friska Armynia Subratha, S. ST., M.Kes with the paper titled “Game-Based Education: Enhancing Stunting Awareness and Healthy Habits among Primary Students” and Sepsiana Puspitasari, S.Tr. Keb with the paper titled “Unplanned pregnancy as a social predictor of COVID-19 severity among pregnant women in Yogyakarta: Study of path analysis”. Photo Competition winners, 1st place Erlangga Fakhri Sujono, 2nd place Supriyanto, 3rd place Indra Gumilar Prasetya, 4th place Sandhi Irawan, 5th place Febrian Antono, and the favorite winner Usman. (Contributor: Isna Nur Qurota A’yun/JCOEMPH)