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Internal Medicine

Title/course offered:

Internal Medicine 


Internal medicine has 11 subdivisions (pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterohepatology, nephrology and hypertension, endocrine metabolic diabetes, hematology oncology, tropic infection, rheumatology, psychosomatic, geriatry, allergy immunology. The leading services currently being developed include interventional pulmonology services, HIV services, kidney transplant services, herbal polyclinics, basic endoscopy, diabetic foot polyclinic, and self-reliance exercise services.


General purpose:

  • To enrich student’s knowledge about internal medicine, especially tropic infection and non-infectious disease
  • To enrich student’s experience in internal medicine, especially tropic infections and non-infectious disease

Special purpose:

  • To explain internal medicine based on students’ specific interest in subdivision of internal medicine
  • To demonstrate how to diagnose diseases in internal medicine and how to do the management diseases in internal medicine 

Two weeks-four weeks


  • Student Induction
  • Attending morning report, and case report presentation 
  • Attending lectures on internal medicine according to subdivisions that of the interest to student
  • Discussion with fieldsupervisor as scheduled according to the subdivisions that of the interest to student
  • Involvement in Inpatient and outpatient clinical rotation
  • Field visit to lung health clinic and tropic medicine
  • Evaluation and review at the end of the programme by supervisor or PIC.

Diagnosis and management according to subdivisions that of the interest to student

Practical sessions:

  • Observe duty in polyclinic and ward


  • Case discussion according to subdivisions that of the interest to student
Measurable learning oucome:
  • Ability to perfom step from anamnesis, physical exam and clinical reasoning in clinical medicine
Tailor-made activities:


Number of participant:

Min 1 student

Person in charge dr Dwita Dyah Adyarini SpPD
Contact Number Offic





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