Guest Lecture: Exploring the Potential of Public-Private Sector Collaboration in Healthcare Services

FK-KMK UGM. Master of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) Universitas Gadjah Mada held a guest lecture entitled “Public Private Partnership in Healthcare”. This activity was held on Monday (09/09) at the Auditorium of the Tahir Building, 1st Floor, FK-KMK UGM and invited Dr. Ait-Allah Mejri as President Director of PT. Roche Indonesia as the main speaker to discuss the importance of collaboration between the public or government and private sectors in.

Collaboration between the public and private sectors or Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) refers to collaboration between the government and private companies in providing the best healthcare services along with changing times. These changes can occur due to changes in demographics, developments in therapy, treatment, technology, diseases, and the need for healthcare services for certain populations.

Dr. Ait-Allah Mejri explained that PPPs can be a valuable opportunity to improve health services amidst these dynamic health conditions. “PPPs offer governments and the private sector a unique opportunity to achieve more with less,” said Dr. Ait-Allah Mejri.

In the guest lecture, Dr. Ait-Allah Mejri also shared successful strategies in building collaboration in the health sector. Good collaboration, according to him, must provide benefits for both parties. Therefore, it is important to conduct careful identification and unite common goals before starting cooperation.

In addition, it is important to develop a transparent framework of reference in regulating the roles and responsibilities of each party to maintain the autonomy of each party. Good leadership is also needed from both the government, the private sector, and using a more neutral third party. “In addition, it is important to measure and share success to assess the effectiveness of PPPs,” explained Dr. Ait-Allah Mejri.

This guest lecture is expected to open new insights regarding the importance of cross-sector collaboration in efforts to improve quality health services in Indonesia. This is relevant to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 3 related to good health and well-being and SDG 17 related to partnerships to achieve goals.

This guest lecture activity is part of a series of visits by Dr. Ait-Allah Mejri and PT. Roche Indonesia to FK-KMK UGM. The visit was carried out on Monday (09/09) starting with a discussion with the FK-KMK dean and the FK-KMK UGM Master of Nursing Study Program (Fauziah Nurhasanah)

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