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Graceful Promotion Strategy as a Self-Development Effort

FK-KMK UGM. MHPE-FRIENDSHIP organized a Workshop on Graceful Self-Promotion as a Part of Your Strategic Career Plan on Friday (13/10) at the Auditorium on the 1st floor of Tahir Postgraduate Building, FK-KMK UGM.

Page S. Morahan, Ph.D from Drexel University College of Medicine was the guest speaker in this workshop. He gave a presentation on Strategic Career Planning: Use Graceful Self-Promotion to Establish & Maintain a Network of Colleagues.

According to Morahan, graceful self-promotion is important because talent and hard work alone are not enough to succeed in an organization. “You can’t just wait for your work to be recognized because that’s a passive thing that doesn’t lead to advancement,” she explains.

Self-promotion is a technique by which a person emphasizes his or her attributes (personal brand) to be seen positively and effectively in the eyes of others. Politeness, on the other hand, is the skill to do this in the most effective way within a sociocultural and professional context. “So, polite self-promotion leads to emphasizing personal branding effectively based on sociocultural and professional contexts,” he added.

Several things must be considered in the practice of polite self-promotion. First, the perception of promotion must be changed. “Changing the perception of self-promotion into a polite model will help you,” said Morahan.

Next, there are many techniques in polite self-promotion, choosing techniques that are comfortable to do will make it easier for us to implement them consistently. Finally, start promoting yourself politely among colleagues so that you can grow together.

In this workshop, Morahan not only presented the material but also invited participants to play Bingo games and allowed participants to promote themselves directly. Participants who joined this workshop were MHPE students, alumni, and FRIENDSHIP fellows in Indonesia.

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