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Got Doctoral Degree after Studied Primer Glaucoma Disease

FK-KMK UGM. dr. Emma Rusmayani, Sp.M did research about glaucoma disease in open thesis defence of her Doctoral Program, Tuesday (20/9).

In her research, dr. Emma studied IMA, TNF-α, and MDA rate on aqueous humor and blood serum as a sign of local and systemic ischemia on primer glaucoma.

Based on her explanation, this research is made because the biological sign of cellular tissue damage due to the course of glaucoma is still not known with certainty. However, glaucoma became a disease that is increasing significantly all around the world along with population increase.

“Glaucoma is the main cause of blindness that is irreversible all around the world, it’s a neurodegenerative disease with multifactorial etiology, and characterized by progresive retinal ganglion cell damage,” she said. Glaucoma causes blindness if not treated promptly.

She also said that clinical, functional, and structural examination to this disease has some of the shortcomings, such as retrospective and disease progression agreement and respond to the medication needs some examinations so time lag will occur.  Thus, we need more examination, such as glaucoma biological signs.

“Need more research about IMA aqueous humor rate with classification of glaucoma severity and lens capacities,” dr. Emma, who got UGM Doctoral Degree number 5.587 with dr. Muhammad Bayu Sasongko, M.Epi., Sp.M(K)., PhD as promoter said. Other research with bigger samples will help the development of this research.

Reporter & Translator: Nirwana

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