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Get to know Genetic Manipulation and the Ethics of Its Use

FK-KMK UGM. Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM held a Raboan Expert Lecture on Wednesday (24/5) through a zoom meeting. Prof. Benjamin Gregg from the University of Texas at Austin was present as a guest speaker at this Raboan.

Prof. Gregg is an expert in the field of epigenetics. On this occasion, he gave a presentation on “Moral and Legal Guidelines for the Genetic Editing of Individuals”.

Prof. Gregg explained that genetic editing is changing the genetic material of living organisms by inserting, replacing, or deleting DNA sequences. There are several problems that often arise in genetic manipulation related to applicable morals and legal guidelines.

“The question often arises: Can genetic manipulation really free humans from genetic diseases? Do parents have the right to determine the best genetic inheritance for their future children? Will someone in the future have the right to be free from genetic alteration?” said Prof. Gregg.

Prof. Gregg stated that genetic manipulation is justified only when considering how that genetic modification will serve the interests of people in the future. He also added that the interests and welfare of individuals in the future require awareness of the responsibilities of the current generation towards the next generation. (Reporter: Nirwana)

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