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FK-KMK UGM Receives Visit from the Kingdom of Cambodia and World Bank

FK-KMK UGM. The National Test Development Team for Professional Doctors from the Kingdom of Cambodia and representatives of the World Bank conducted a study visit to the first OSCE Center in Indonesia, which is Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM. The visit was held on Tuesday (21/11) at the meeting room Graha Wiyata FK-KMK UGM.

OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) is part of the assessment system that aims to assess the competence and clinical skills of students objectively and structuredly. The advantages of OSCE are valid, reliable, real, and interesting clinical settings. Various clinical skills of doctor competence can be tested in a relatively short time. There are several standard competency settings that can be set objectively. Patient and examiner variations can be reduced and the OSCE format is flexible. In addition, direct observation of each student is structured/planned and feasible.

Dr. Yoyo Suhoyo, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D, Chairman of MHPEU (Medical and Health Profession Education Unit) told the delegates from the Kingdom of Cambodia and World Bank representatives about the beginning of OSCE development. OSCE began to be developed after the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture issued a policy regarding national examinations for medical students in 2009. After a long process, OSCE was finally used for the first time in August 2013.

“Our goal is for all medical faculties to have appropriate facilities to conduct OSCEs,” explained Dr. Yoyo. Dr. Yoyo said that having OSCE facilities is one of the assessments before a university establishes a medical faculty. To fulfill this, one of the standards that must be met by the medical faculty is to have a Teaching Hospital.

The next agenda of the delegation of the Kingdom of Cambodia and World Bank representatives is a visit to the OSCE Center secretariat at FK-KMK UGM.

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