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FK-KMK Library Team Wins 1st Place in UGM Anniversary Librarian and Archivist Innovation Competition

FK-KMK UGM. In July 2024, the FK-KMK Library team participated in the Librarian and Archivist Innovation Competition as part of the Library and Archives UGM Anniversary. This event was attended by various teams of librarians and archivists from different faculties within UGM. One of the most anticipated categories was “Outstanding Service Innovation,” in which the FK-KMK UGM Library Team, represented by Sukirno, S.IP., MA, won 1st place with a total score of 1997. The news of this victory was released on Friday, July 12, 2024.

This achievement was made possible by the outstanding innovation developed by Sukirno and team from the FK-KMK team. The innovation was a digital platform called eLib FKKMK, which provides resources on stunting in the form of digital books, audiobooks, and videos. This platform was designed to facilitate access to information for the Academic Health System (AHS) UGM network, including hospitals, healthcare professionals, students, and clinical lecturers within FK-KMK UGM.

eLib FKKMK is not just a digital library, but also a strategic tool in supporting AHS UGM’s priority programs to reduce the prevalence of stunting. With easy and integrated access to relevant information, this service is expected to strengthen hospital services, enhance the quality of education and research, and expand the knowledge of healthcare professionals and academics in addressing stunting issues.

This innovation aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being). By facilitating access to high-quality and relevant information on stunting, eLib FKKMK supports efforts to combat malnutrition and improve child health. Additionally, this innovation supports SDG 4 (Quality Education) by providing learning resources accessible to students and educators, and by strengthening research capacity in global health efforts.

This victory is expected to inspire the FK-KMK UGM Library to continue innovating and improving its services in the future. May this achievement be the first step towards a better library service that significantly contributes to achieving sustainable development goals.

Congratulations to the FK-KMK UGM Library Team on this remarkable achievement! (Assyifa/Reporter)

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