dr. Hera Nirwati, M.Kes

Hera Nirwati

Pendidikan Formal

1992                                            :     Sarjana Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

1995                                            :     Dokter, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

2000                                           :     Magister Kesehatan di Pusat Kedokteran Tropis FK UGM

2002                                           :     Diploma dalam bidang Immunologi, FK UGM bekerja sama dengan Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

Workshop dan pelatihan:

  1. Workshop on Molecular Biology of Dengue Virus, Yogyakarta ( 9-19 September, 1997).
  2. Workshop on Molecular Approach Towards Vaccine Development for Viral Infection, Yogyakarta (18-28 November 1998).
  3. 3.  Pelatihan mengenai Peptida Sintetik, Univ. of Montpellier I, Perancis (Mei – Agustus 1999).
  4.  Course on Maternal Antibodies of Rotavirus, Murdoch Children Research Institute, Australia (Februari – Maret 2009).
  5. Workshop “Laboratory Diagnosis of Rotavirus”, Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI) (12 November 2009).
  6. Course on Rotavirus genotyping, Murdoch Children Research Institute, Australia (Januari -Februari 2010).
  7. Workshop “Tropical Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases”, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada (7 Maret, 2010).
  8. International Symposium on Molecular Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia in collaboration with Universitats Medizin Gottingen (UMG) and DAAD Germany, 17-18 Maret 2010.
  9. Course on Good Clinical Practice, Yogyakarta 25-26 Maret 2011.
  10. International Symposium on Molecular Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Hasannudin, Makassar, Indonesia in collaboration with Universitats Medizin Gottingen (UMG) and DAAD Germany, 20 – 27 Juli  2011.
  11. Genetic Characterization and Rotavirus Phylogenetic Analysis Course, Murdoch Children Research Institute, Australia (Januari –Maret  2012).
  12. Course on Good Clinical Laboratory Practice, Yogyakarta , 17&24 Oktober 2012. 


  1. Human Sera Reactivity on Overlapping Peptides from the Envelope Glycoprotein of dengue Virus-3 (Risbin Iptekdok-2000).
  2. Potensi antibiotik Kombucha Tea terhadap S. Typhi secara in vitro (Dana Masyarakat, FK UGM, 2001)
  3. Rotavirus Surveillance in Indonesia (UGM- PATH – BioFarma,  2004-2006)
  4. A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Study To Determine The Protective Efficacy Of Orally Administered Infant Formula Containing Bovine Antibodies To Human Rotavirus (NUMICO Australia,  2005)
  5. Penggunaan bakteriofaga untuk terapi diare akibat infeksi Escherichia coli O 157 pada mencit (Dana Masyarakat, FK UGM, 2008).
  6. Maternal antibodies to rotavirus (Murdoch Childrens Institure Research, Australia – 2009)
  7. Extension for Hospital Based Surveillance and Strain Characterization of Rotavirus Diarrhoea in Indonesia (WHO-SEARO, 2009-2013)
  8. Isolasi dan identifikasi strain rotavirus penyebab diare pada anak balita di Yogyakarta, (RISBIN IPTEKDOK, 2009-2010).
  9. Isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri penyebab pioderma di Waingapu, Sumba beserta pola kepekaannya terhadap berbagai antibiotika (HPEQ, FK UGM, 2012).
  10. A phase IIb, double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled parallel group study of the immunogenicity, safety, and efficacy of oral RV3-BB Rotavirus Vaccine, administered as a neonatal schedule with initial birth (age 0-5 days) dose, 8-10 and 14-16 week doses or an infant schedule of 8-10, 14-16 and 18-20 week doses“ (MCRI – UGM – Biofarma, 2013)
  11. Impact of maternal antibodies on rotavirus vaccine, immunogenicity in developing countries” (MCRI – UGM, 2013)


  1. Praseno & Nirwati H. 1997. Comparative Study on In Vitro Activity of Three Antifungals Azole Derivate Against Candida Sp. Media Dermato-venerologica Indonesiana, Vol. (24), No. 1 :  10-12.
  2. Praseno & Nirwati H. 1997. Antifungal Activity of Amphothericin B, Terbinafine, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole and Itraconazole to Candida sp. Medika  Vol. XXIII, No.8 : 610-612.
  3. Praseno, Nirwati H. & Nuryastuti T. 1997. Immune Status of Pregnant Women against Rubella Infection in a defined rural area of Yogyakarta. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat. Vol. XIII (3) : 115-118.
  4. Nirwati H. & Praseno. 1998. An Increased Susceptibility of  S. aureus to Tetracycline during Exposure to Rifampicin. Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran. Vol. 30, No. 3 : 129-133.
  5. Nirwati H, Sutaryo & Djoko Wahyono. Human Sera Reactivity on Overlapping Peptides from the Envelope Glycoprotein of dengue Virus-3. Proceeding on International Seminar on Dengue Fever/dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, October, 28-29, 1999.
  6. Praseno, Ning Rintiswati & Nirwati H. 1999. In vitro activity of Terbinafine to fungal isolates from fungal keratitis Patients. Medika Vol. XXV, No.11 : 703-705
  7. Nirwati H, Sutaryo & Djoko Wahyono. 2000. Identifikasi Epitop Immunodominan Virus Dengue 3 dengan Peptida Sintetik. Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 13 (1): 26 – 33
  8. Revi Wulandari, Soegihardjo & Nirwati H. 2003. Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Kombucha Tea terhadap Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Pharmacy, 01 (1) : 31 – 35
  9. Wijayanti N, Wibawa T, Nirwati H, Haryanto A, & Sutaryo. 2006. Rapid Detection and Molecular Typing of Dengue Virus by Using Multiplex-Nested RT-PCR. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 11(02): 928-932
  10. Praseno & Nirwati H. 2008. Hantavirus infection in clinically suspected dengue fever patients. Berkala Ilmu kedokteran, 10 (3) : 132-135
  11. Nirwati H,  Iravati S,  Aria M,  Putu IA, Restu M & Rendy R.  2008. The use of bactheriophage theraphy for curing the Escherichia coli O 157 in mice. Berkala Ilmu kedokteran, 10 (3) : 119-124.
  12. Nirwati H, Aman AT, Aminah S & Soenarto Y. 2009. Isolation and Identification Rotavirus causing diarhea in Children Under 5 years old in Yogyakarta. Proceeding on Annual Scientific Meeting, Indonesian Society for Clinical Microbiology, Yogyakarta.
  13. Nirwati H,  Hakim MH. Aman AT &  Soenarto Y. 2010. Strain Characterization of Rotavirus causing diarhea in Children Under 5 years old in Indonesia. Proceeding on Annual Scientific Meeting, Indonesian Society for Clinical Microbiology, Bandung.
  14. Chan J, Nirwati H, Triasih R, Bogdanovic-Sakran N, Soenarto Y, Hakimi M, Duke T, Buttery JP, Bines JE, Bishop RF, Kirkwood CD & Danchin MD. 2011. Maternal antibodies to rotavirus: Could they interfere with live rotavirus vaccines in developing countries? Vaccine 29: 1242-1247.
  15. Widowati T, Bakrie A, Nirwati H & Soenarto Y. 2012. Surveillance of rotavirus diarrhea. Paediatr Indones 52: (1): 22-27.
  16. Widowati T, Mulyani NS, Nirwati H & Soenarto Y. 2012. Diare Rotavirus pada anak usia balita. Sari Pediatri 13 (5): 340-345.