Doctor of FK-KMK UGM Studied Charitable Philanthropy in Health Services

FK-KMK UGM. Doctor of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, dr. Jodi Christian Indra Visnu., MPH., successfully studied charitable philanthropy in health services. The result of this research that was held in RS Panti Rapih is explained in the open thesis defence of Doctoral Program of Medicine and Health Study FK-KMK UGM, Monday (26/9).

“Philanthropy is determined as a philanthropic work of a generosity that is sincerely manifested in real actions to others. The role of philanthropy has been applied since a long time ago in health, including Indonesia,” he said.

He also added that RS Panti Rapih, as a non-profit religious hospital, was established 92 years ago and has a history milestone that is related to the work of compassion to serve National Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional/JKN) and non-JKN patients.

Beside exploring the role of philanthropy in charitable-based health services in RS Panti Rapih, dr. Jodi also identified various problems related to BPJS Kesehatan collaboration.

“Professional business-like organization approach and non-profit organizational management can make an institution more effective, efficient, accountable, and disciplined from the financial point of view,” he said.

Through his research, dr. Jodi said that the mindset of the  foundation “not able to collect a profit” should be left and changed to “collect profit is a must so we can give services to marginalized society. But, the business mindset in a foundation needs a lot of sign when it prepares itself to receive donations.

There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch, so the proposal to attract donatur needs to prepare a cooperation agreement to reduce the possibility of shifting the vision-mission-value of a non-profit institution in the future”, he said.

Jodi in his research concluded that the hospital’s ability to keep the stabilization funding system with business-like organization systematic, supported by good name and melting philanthropy spirit become spiritual services work by employee, has made RS Panti Rapih stand out in JKN era with keeping non-profit foundation ownership.

Reporter: Wiwin

Translator: Nirwana

News Release