Initiated in 1950’s at Pugeran Hospital, the Department of Internal Medicine has started the very first services. In 1980’s, the outpatient clinic was then moved to the second floor of Dr. Sardjito hospital. According to the second congress of the Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine Association of Indonesia in 1973, UGM was appointed to be the center for residency training in Internal Medicine. One year later, Dr. Ny. Poestika Sastroamidjojo, Department’s chair, established seven divisions, namely Infection, Renal and Hypertension, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Gastroentero-hepatology, Hematology Oncology, and Rheumatology. When it started, the first students were dr. Hari Sukarto, dr. Haryono, dr. Moefroedi, dr. Sutjitro, dr. Elias Parjono, dr. Adiwijono dan dr. Asdie. Currently, we have graduated more than 400 Internists. Along with the scientific development in Internal Medicine, we now have eleven divisions. In 2010, according to Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine (SK No 57/KIPD/SK/V/2010), education of subspecialty program began in the department for the following subspecialties: Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Geriatrics, Tropical Medicine, Hematology Oncology, Gastro-Entero-Hepatology, Renal-Hypertension and Pulmonology.

With the increasing number of patients, Department of Internal medicine is challenged to keep improving service quality. Currently, we excel in intervensive pulmonology, HIV service, herbal medicine, endoscopy and Diabetic clinic. We are also committed to be active in conducting research. Many of our studies have been published in highlyrespected journals and resulted in patent for phytopharmaceutical product (Remapo by Prof. dr. Nyoman Kertia). To support activities in international publication, currently we also publish our own international journal, namely Acta Interna.

Year Important Achievement
1950’s Department of Internal Medicine established at Pugeran Hospita
1973 Residency program was firstly launched
1980’s Moved to Dr Sardjito Hospital
1999 First renal transplant performed
2005 HIV services clinic launched
2012 Services for Diabetic foot launched