The Family, Community Medicine and Bioethics (DFCMB) is a new department at the Faculty of Medicine UGM, which was established in 2016. The department has two professors, one doctorate staff, three academic staff with masters in Primary Care and many adjunct faculty members from the clinical departments. The department was initiated in late 90’s when graduate courses in primary care medicine organised by the Association of Family Doctor Indonesia begun, continued with activities led by Prof Adi Heru Sutomo under the Health Professional Education Quality (HPEQ) Project in 2012. In this project, Prof. Michael Kidd (President, WONCA World Family Doctors’ Association) and the Dean of Flinders University Australia provided technical assistance.

The DFCMB, known as the Family MedicineTeam, started a graduate courses in primary care medicine called the Weekly Clinical Updates on
Primary Care, since 2011. This graduate course has been conducted in Yogyakarta and DKI Jakarta in collaboration with the local governments. The final session of this course became the Annual Conference which was also attended by Prof. Mark Alan Graber, Prof. Jason Wilbur and Prof. Lisa Soldat from the Iowa University.

Continuing our efforts to strengthen primary care education, in 2013 we initiated the Master program in Family Medicine, as a majoring in Clinical Medicine study program. Currently, more than 50 students are enrolled.In the future, we hope to be able to offer a specialization program in Family Medicine. Within its journey, the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) enliven the DFCMB. The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) history started in 1997 as Bioethics and Medical Humanities Team led by Prof. Dr(HC). dr.Yati Soenarto, SpA(K), PhD. The team aimed to improve moral, ethical, and behavioral aspect of the medical students.The initial strategy was involving interdisciplinary experts, i.e. medicine, philosophy, psychology, social-humanities, civic, law, religion, which soon transformed into what the center is currently promoting, a trans-disciplinary approach.

In its further development, the center has evolved into an innovative and productive center with main vision “to improve bioethics and medical humanities education, research, and service in order to create highly qualified moral and humane practitioners”. The center aspires to achieve through itsmissions in education, research and service. The center has made significant international contributions on bioethics development, through hosting international conferences, trainings, collaborative projects and research. We encourage and empower Asia-Pacific Innitiatives in enriching bioethics development in this global society. In line with that spirit, the center was appointed as the leading coordinator for the International Consortium on Bioethics and Humanities, which hosts the Asia-Pacific (Trans-nations) bioethics collaboration (initiator countries are Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia).

Year Important Achievement
1990 Family Medicine Association in Yogyakarta Province initiated.
2000 Bioethics 2000: An International Exchange conducted (Harvard Medical School – Gadjah Mada Medical School)
2010 Family Medicine team formaly establishedand chaired by Prof. Adi Heru Sutomo, MSc, PhD. Prof Mark Alan Graber from Iowa University first visited UGM
2010 Certified Courses (Grad. Certificate & Grad. Diploma) on Bioethics (HELP) for Health Professionals started
2011 Annual Clinical Updates on Primary Care started
2011 International meetings in Taiwan, Malaysia, Bangkok held and attended by UGM and partner universities from Taiwan (TMU, NTU, CMU, NCKU), the Netherland (AMC), Malaysia (USM) and Washington (UW). In the same year, Bioethics and Medical Humanities Education network established.
2011 Partnership with University of Iowa, US, University of Maastricht The Netherlands and University of Flinders Australia, started
2013 Master program in Family Medicine started
2015 The National Board on Primary Care Doctors was established.The College of Indonesian Primary Care Doctors was also  established and chaired by Prof. Hari Kusnanto, MPH, Dr.PH
2016 The Department of Family, Community Medicine and Bioethics established