Founded in the same period when the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada was established in 1946, the Department of Child Health is one of the biggest clinical departments. With 13 clinical divisions and 46 staff who work at Dr Sardjito Hospital, we provide a comprehensive approach to healthcare for the benefit of thousands of infants, children and adolescents annually. Referral patients come to us from all over Yogyakarta, South part of Central Java and several areas out of Java island. Our divisions have been the center of excellent in Indonesia. In 2015, the Hematology and Oncology division has been integrated with the International Cancer Center at Dr Sardjito. In parralel, Pediatric Cardiology also started to develop a sub-specialty center of care in collaboration with the Department of Cardiology, to form the Center for Cardiology.

Our clinical rotation and residency/training program has given learning opportunities with increasing levels of responsilibilities and  independence for our students through various inpatient and outpatient experiences. We are fortunate to be based in one of the national’s referral hospital, which provides challenging cases to enrich the general pediatrician competence in managing cases. We are also offering a learning environment that is built on mutual support, mentoring and friendship. As part of the Faculty of Medicine UGM, theDepartment of Child Health enjoys to be part of the dynamic research environment where innovative and effective treatments and cures are under development. We have extensive international collaborations, such as with the Royal Children Hospital/The University of Melbourne, Vreij University, Saskatcheewan University, Kyoto University, Kobe University, Taipei Medical University for various research, service, training and education. Along with the Pediatric Surgery, we are proud to collaborate with Kyoto University Medical School of Medicine for the first liver transplantation from life donor in Yogyakarta last November 2015. This will illustrate our continuous efforts to be at the forefront of healthcare for children in Indonesia.

Year Important Achievement
2002 Combined Master program (Master of Science in Clinical Medicine) and Residency program started
2006 Pediatric Research Office established as the center of surveillance for Vaccine Preventable Diseases WHO-Indonesia Ministry of Health
2011 Excellent accreditation for Pediatric Training Program from the National Board of Pediatrics
2015 Liver transplant from life donor performed for the first time