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Dental Care Challenges for the Elderly


FK-KMK UGM. Center for Bioethics and Medical Health (CBMH) FK-KMK UGM held a Raboan Research and Perspective Sharing with the topic Empowering Elderly: Fresh Insights Into Aging And Geriatric Dentistry. The material was delivered by Dr. Naveen Chhabra from the School of Dentistry, International Medical University on Wednesday (4/10) through zoom meeting.

According to Dr. Naveen, the majority of dental patients come from the elderly. “What is meant by elderly here includes 3 groups, namely young elderly (65-74 years), mid-old (75-84 years), and oldest (85 years and above),” explained Dr. Naveen.

Indonesia and Malaysia are expected to have a large number of elderly people by 2035. For this reason, dental care for the elderly needs more attention so that it can run optimally. There are several challenges in realizing this, including degenerative diseases, neurophysiological changes, oral physiological changes, and mental situations. As people age, these issues can interfere with the treatment of dental patients.

Aging also causes changes in some tissues in the mouth. These changes include changes in salivary glands and salivary secretions, changes in teeth, changes in oral mucous membranes, and aging and periodontal disease.

Although dental problems affecting the elderly can be treated or prevented, many elderly people do not take advantage of such treatments. Most seniors over the age of 60 were not introduced to the concept of preventive dentistry at a young age. Many still think that tooth loss is a normal part of the aging process. “Given this, the elderly actually need empathetic care,” explains Dr. Naveen. (Nirwana/Reporter)

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