The High Rate of Congenital Heart Disease in Women of Fertile Age
FM-UGM. Most of the Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) patients in
FM-UGM. Most of the Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) patients in
FM-UGM. Andalas Scientific Fair (ASF) is a contest which organized
Tuesday (25/4), Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada/FK UGM graduated
FK UGM held a farewell courtesy call for 227 postgraduate
FM-UGM. The nitrate level of pollution in water well caused
The spread of Wolbachia by putting a bucket of Aedes
Topping Off Ceremony Graduate Building – FK UGM Graduate Faculty
FK-UGM. In Indonesia, for this is still focused on improving
FK-UGM. On Saturday (25/3) was held a national seminar ‘Use