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Title/course offered

The biochemistry of oxidative stress


Oxidative stress is an imbalance phenomenon in which the accumulation of oxygen reactive species (ROS) is higher than the body response to detoxify them. Oxidative stress can lead to tissue damage resulting in diseases including cardiovascular disease or even cancer. This course aims to enrich students’ knowledge about oxidative stress, its implication and detection of biomarker for oxidative stress. 


General Purpose:

  • To enrich student’s knowledge about the biochemical aspect of oxidative stress

Specific Learning Objective:

  • To explain the pathophysiology of stress oxidative
  • To demonstrate the laboratory determination of oxidative stress biomarker 
  • To demonstrate anthropometric measurement 

one week


  • Lectures 
  • Tutorial 
  • Malondialdehyde determination as an oxidative stress biomarker
  • Body response to oxidative stress 
  • Role of antioxidant against oxidative stress 
  • Obesity and susceptibility to oxidative stress 

Practical sessions:

  • Malondialdehyde determination using spectrophotometry 
  • Body anthropometric measurement 


  • Case discussion with supervisor related to oxidative stress and health

Instructure team: 

  • dr. Arta Farmawati, PhD
  • Prof. Dr. Dra. Sunarti, M.Kes
  • Dr. Dra. Pramudji Hastuti, Apt.,MS
  • Dianandha Septiana Rubi, S.Gz.,M.Sc
  • Dr. Ngadikun, M.Biomed
  • dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, PhD
  • dr. Yogik Onky Silvana Wijaya, PhD
  • Dr.Rer.nat. Risky Oktriani, M.Sc, M.Biotech
Measurable learning outcome:
  • The ability to explain the body response against oxidative stress and the role of anti-oxidant
  • The ability to interpret biomarker of oxidative stress
  • The ability to measure anthropometric state
Tailor-made activities:


Number of participants:

Min 1 student

Person in charge Yogik Onky Silvana Wijaya 
Contact Number Office 




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