AHS UGM joined The First AAHCI Southeast Asia Regional Round Table Discussion

AHS UGM. The World Health Organization declared the 2019 corona virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak as a pandemic on 30 January 2020. As an appropriate model for tackling multi dimension changes, Academic Health System (AHS) UGM has responded to prevent the spread of COVID-19 transmissions with various efforts. As one of the member of The Association of Academic Health Centers International (AAHCI), AHS UGM joined The First AAHCI Southeast Asia Regional Round Table Discussion to share the current situation in each AAHCI SEA member country and how each institution is dealing with this pandemic.

They are many representatives came from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines joined the round table to discuss about the most critical issue regards to COVID-19, the most valuable lesson learned and how can AAHCI SEA Regional Office and DC Office further support the institution during this pandemic. There is also representative from AAHCI, Habiba Osmani, MA as Program Coordinator of AAHC.

The round table was opened by Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB as the dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia and also the host of the AAHCI South East Asia Regional Office. Following with the presentation of the current condition and strategy of AHS in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines to against the COVID-19, including AHS UGM.  Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., SpOG(K)., Ph.D., as the dean of FK-KMK UGM said that UGM has built a COVID-19 task force “SATGAS COVID-19’’. This Task-force lead to coordinate and communicate with in AHS UGM members, national ministries, NGO and Alumni, regarding COVID-19 management. The Task-force conducts routine meetings to discuss any issue related COVID-19.  The AHS UGM have done some innovations to tacking the COVID-19.  The surveillance team has developed a self-screening tools and trace people who had close contact with confirmed cases. In the innovative-collaborative researches aspect, now a days, the researches team in AHS UGM developing an IgM-IgG rapid test to find the more effective test for COVID-19. Others innovative-collaborative research are plasma covallence clinical trial, developing Swab Chamber, Personal Protective equipment, hand sanitizer. For knowledge sharing purpose, UGM has a multi-discipline media team to provide an accurate, updated and culturally sensitive information for public dissemination. AHS UGM is also conducting a routine scientific webinar.

In the end of the discussion, the AAHC Program Coordinator, Habiba Oesman, MA said, “It is very interesting to know and learn about how each country and institution is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and what issue are really critical at this time. This is the purpose of the round table and what is the AAHCI aiming to do by organizing this meeting. What we will do next is to take a note of all the topic mentioned and send an email to each you to see your availability for participating the next round table to make an intimate discussion such as this one”. (Reporter: Listi)