The Indonesian Government’s Strategy Harmonizes National Food Security and Health to Achieve SDGs Targets

FK-KMK UGM. Health status is closely related to the diet and nutrition consumed. The world’s leading causes of death has now shifted from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases such as ischemic heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, which are primarily caused by changes in dietary pattern.

Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, S.TP., MS., Ph.D from Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Republic of Indonesia in the Summer Course 2024 said that changes in demographic status such as population aging are crucial issues for food security and health status due to their impact on dietary pattern.

In his presentation titled “The National Government’s Role in SDG Achievement in the Food Security and Health Status Sector”, Pungkas outlined several challenges to integrating food security and health in Indonesia. These challenges included limited food availability in certain region of Indonesia as well as the high cost of obtaining nutritious diet.

Malnutrition has a wide range, complex, and diverse causes. Food availability, behavior, caregiving behavior, access to water and sanitation, as well as agricultural and socioeconomic factors all have an impact on nutrition and health status.

Addressing these challenges requires prioritizing problem resolution based on available resources. “We should customize our policies based on the current condition and the location as well,” Pungkas said.

The Indonesian government has implemented strategies in the form of long-term rather than medium-term plans to achieve resolution of food security and health problems.  Pungkas stated that these solutions are not only the responsibility of the health sector, but also involves various sectors such as agriculture, education, and public works.

These strategy are also an effort to achieve the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SGS 2, which addresses zero hunger. Holistic, multi-sectoral, and integrated food system transformation is required to achieve this target.

The Summer Course 2024 themed “Nourishing Futures: Exploring the Intersection of Food Security and Health Status” will be held for 2 weeks from June 19th to June 18th 2024. This activity is a collaboration between Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing and other faculties which are Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada. (Fauziah/Reporter)

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