From Specialist Doctor to Successful Entrepreneur, dr. Nora Shines in the Business

FK-KMK UGM.  Recently, discussions about cosmetics have been trending in society, especially among women and teenagers. It’s understandable, as everyone desires beautiful and healthy skin, making the use of cosmetic products one of the solutions.

Dr. dr. Nora Ariyati SpKK, FINSDV, FAADV., an alumna of the Master of Clinical Medicine Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM, has also made her mark in the cosmetics industry. She shared her career experiences during the Alumni Sharing Session organized by the Master of Clinical Medicine Program at FK-KMK UGM titled “The Challenge in Applying Scientific Evidence in Real Practice: Harmonizing The Role of A Doctor As A Clinician And Doctorpreneur” on Thursday (6/6) in a hybrid format.

“dr. Nora is truly remarkable, as her career spans across aesthetics, specialization, and she has even completed her doctoral studies,” praised dr. Retno Sutomo, Sp.A(K), Ph.D., Head of the Clinical Medicine Program at FK-KMK UGM.

According to dr. Tomo, dr. Nora is a success story among alumni who have excelled in both professional and entrepreneurial realms by applying the theoretical and practical knowledge gained at FK-KMK UGM.

“At IKK, I didn’t learn public speaking or entrepreneurship, but I acquired those skills through learning by doing,” explained dr. Nora.

dr. Nora is currently focused on developing her beauty clinic business, Aurell Skin Care, which has six branches in Malang and one in Palembang.

“I started this clinic in 2008, and throughout the process, I regularly consulted with my professors at IKK,” she added.

She revealed that her business venture was inspired by her observations of patient dynamics in dermatology and venereology clinics. dr. Nora explained that about 90 percent of her patients suffered from cosmetic-related conditions.

“Cosmetic patients require special treatment, so I had the idea to open a specialized clinic for more intensive care,” she said.

She acknowledged that the rapid growth of her business was driven by the trust she built with her patients. This began with instilling professional values to treat patients while running a beauty clinic business.

“In running this business, my integrity as a doctor is paramount, so I treat patients based on their needs, not by pushing products to increase my revenue,” dr. Nora stated.

Therefore, dr. Nora hopes that IKK students will be keen on creatively seizing various opportunities. This advice is based on her practical experience transitioning from a specialist doctor to a businesswoman aligned with her studies.

“Undoubtedly, competition is increasing, but there are things they don’t do that I, as a specialist, can,” dr. Nora continued.

This event also demonstrated a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Good Health and Well-Being (SDGs 3), Quality Education (SDGs 4), Gender Equality (SDGs 5), and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDGs 12). (Isroq Adi Subakti/Reporter)

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