UC Tati Malaysia Visit to FK-KMK UGM

FK-KMK UGM. Student Executive Board and Student Senate of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM received a visit from student’s representatives from University College Tati Malaysia on Tuesday (5/9) in the Auditorium 1st floor of the Tahir Postgraduate Building.

Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs FK-KMK UGM, dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Ph.D expressed his happiness in receiving a visit from UC Tati Malaysia “Hopefully our relationship does not stop at the end of this visit, but can continue with collaboration in the future,” he added.

Annisa Larrasati, Chairman of the UGM FK-KMK Student Senate also hopes that this visit can increase networking between fellow students. She was sure that they could exchange many things through this short visit.

“Not only exchanging experiences, we can also exchange knowledge and perspectives because we come from different countries,” said the Student President of FK-KMK UGM, Maulana Sabrang.

dr. Syahrul Alim bin Baharuddin, Dean of the Student and Alumni Affairs Department of UC Tati Malaysia gave an explanation about UC Tati. “UC Tati is a university that focuses on technology, management and IT. “Through this visit, we hope to find out more about how the student senate at FK-KMK manages its organization,” said H. Syahrul.

Apart from presentations from BEM and the Student Senate of FK-KMK UGM, the agenda was also filled with games, faculty tours, and visits to BSO (Badan Semi Otonom) at FK-KMK UGM. (Nirwana/Reporter)

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