6 Students of FK-KMK UGM Design Solutions for Global Health Problems

FK-KMK UGM. Six students from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing won first place in the Global Health Case Competition held by Melbourne University on September 18, 2023.

They are Firsta Tiara Putriananda (Nutrition Study Program class of 2021), Anisya Gabriel Putri Dianty (Medicine Study Program class of 2020), Janveri Balige Simanjuntak (Medicine Study Program class of 2021), Arielle Eunice Sindhunata (Medicine Study Program class of 2021), Jessica Vivian Purnomo (Medicine Study Program class of 2020), and Angeline Laurenita Kurniawati (Nutrition Study Program class of 2019).

In this competition, they tried to design solutions to global health cases such as malnutrition and high child mortality rates in Kiribati. The problem in Kiribati is caused by the low value of natural resources in the form of seaweed because it is sold without processing. In addition, the people of Kiribati rely heavily on imported processed foods that lack nutrition.

To overcome these problems, Angeline and her team have 2 strategies that target 2 different aspects, which are food security and health empowerment. In the food security aspect, seaweed processing is their main program. The hope is that the processed seaweed will have a higher value so that the population’s income will increase.

Not only that, the team also designed a complementary food workshop program using seaweed as the basic ingredient. The MPASI workshop was chosen because there are still many mothers who have limited ability to provide food for their children.

In the health empowerment aspect, two main programs were designed, namely health cadres and primary child care programs. The health cadres were created so that the community could contribute to the treatment of malnutrition in children. In the primary childcare program, the team also created a health monitoring book for mothers and children.

They are aware that the program that has been designed must have risks from various aspects, one of which is not accepted by the community. The solution to this problem is to collaborate with religious communities and women’s alliances. The hope is that by cooperating with the community, the community can more readily accept the programs offered.

According to them, many things can be obtained through their participation in this competition activity. In addition to practicing group skills and problem-solving, they can also channel their interest in public health issues more optimally. (Nirwana/Reporter)