FK-KMK UGM Lecturer Receives Community Empowerment Motivator Award from Kemendes-PDTT

FK-KMK UGM. Community service is a pillar of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, a fundamental responsibility for the entire academic community. This pillar often gets overshadowed by the prominence of education, teaching, and ongoing research activities.

dr. Rustamadji, M.Kes., a lecturer from the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM FK-KMK), has successfully transcended this stigma.

dr. Rustamadji received the Transmigration Award from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) at the 2024 Transmigration Coordination Meeting. The event, themed “Achieving the Targets of the 2020-2024 RPJM Program, Realizing Independent and Competitive Transmigration Areas,” recognized him in the category of Community Empowerment Motivator through the Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) in Transmigration Areas in Makassar (15/5).

As the Director of the Directorate of Community Service (DPkM) at UGM, dr. Rustamadji has promoted the KKN program as a learning platform for UGM students, enabling them to engage in interdisciplinary, competency-based community service.

According to Dr. Rustamadji, by 2023, UGM has deployed KKN student teams in six provinces: Randangan Subdistrict, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province; Maligano Subdistrict, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province; Sambelia Subdistrict, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province; among three other regions.

“We have collaborated with the Directorate General of Transmigration Area Development and Expansion by sending KKN students to transmigration areas to support sustainable development and foster more self-reliant transmigration areas,” dr. Rustamadji explained.

This achievement reflects UGM’s commitment to various community service programs. Furthermore, the KKN program has expanded its impact through the synergy of student teams collaborating and innovating for communities across Indonesia.

dr. Rustamadji hopes this award will motivate UGM and the DPkM team to consistently promote sustainability and innovation through thematic programs addressing issues in various transmigration areas in Indonesia.

Additionally, these efforts support the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including No Poverty (SDG 1), Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3), Quality Education (SDG 4), Reduced Inequality (SDG 10), and other related pillars. (Isroq Adi Subakti/Reporter)

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