Final Announcement “2nd International Joint Symposium” (IDI Accreditation)

2nd International Joint Symposium

Frontier In Biomedical Sciences: From Genes to Applications

Infectious diseases remain the major health problem in Indonesia, especially tuberculosis, malaria and HIV-AIDS.  In addition, in the last ten years, the morbidity caused by degenerative diseases, such as cancer, heart diseases, metabolic disorders and tobacco dependence has been increasing significantly.  Therefore, a new approach is needed to control these problems.

Translational research involving research in basic medical sciences including at molecular level, clinical and public health sciences has been applied.  In addition, international collaboration involving many  research institutions from many countries will enhance not only the quality of research but also increase the possibility to obtain funding, improve human resources, education as well as networking.

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in celebrating its 62th Anniversary, will hold an 2nd International Joint Symposium entitled “Frontier in Bimedical Sciences: From Genes to Applications”. The symposium’s main committee consisting of Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and France invites researchers in the field of medical, biological, material and information sciences, from any institutions to present their excellent studies, either in oral or poster presentations. The symposium aims to strengthen research network and collaborations, and to increase the level of research and program internationalization towards world class research universities.

The symposium will be held in Yogyakarta, a city that combines traditional Javanese culture and strong academic environment, famous for its hospitality as one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia. We believe that this symposium will be an unforgettable and memorable event for the participants.

See you in Yogyakarta

poster must be available since November 17 2011 09.00 am – november 18, 2011 16.00  author must be near a poster at the schedule time

venue: Lobby  of Auditorium faculty of Medicine UGM

topics of seminar / poster

1.  degenerative disease

2. infectious Disease

3. Reproductive Health

4. Drug Development

5. Nutrition


IDR 300.000 for student

IDR 400.000 9other)

Facilities include seminar kit, abstract book, lunch, coffee break and IDI accreditation

(12 SKP for participant, 12 SKP for speaker)

important date

regristation will be closed on november 18 2011 at 12.00 pm. abstract will be submitted before november 10 2011

full paper should be submitted before 17 or on site november 17 2011

Contact and Registration

KAGAMA, Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University

Telp : +62-274-560300 ext 406

Fax.  : +62-274-560116

Mobile : 085643539888 (Theodora)

Contact Person : Eti Nurwening Sholikhah/Theodora

Email :

Bank account : Bank BNI Cabang UGM Yogya

Account Number : 0231056620 ( ELSA HERDIANA MURHANDARWATI, DR,PHD)
