Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – simply known as Lupus – has a prevalence of 4 – 250 cases per 100,000 children. Moreover, this disease has an increasing incidence on adult. As a response, healthcare workers and society now are more concerned about the prevention of this autoimmune disease. The statement was delivered by a teaching staff of FKKMK UGM, dr. Sumadiono, SpA(K) in a seminar of World Lupus Day 2018 on Wednesday, 9th May at Sardjito Hospital.
“Up for now, the exact etiology of this disease is still not known. However, there were some evidences pointing out that genetic factors, environment, air, excessive drug consumption, and untreated infections during childhood might trigger Lupus,” explained another FKKMK UGM’s teaching staff, Prof. dr. Nyoman Kertia, Sp.PD-KR.
Discussing Lupus from its clinical aspect, the one-day seminar also invited speaker from department of nursing, Setyo Tri Wibowo,S.Kep, and from BPJS Yogyakarta regarding Lupus insurance claim.
SLE is a systemic autoimmune disease with multifactorial causes. This is a multisystem inflammatory disease characterized by over-increasing immune system response and excessive autoantibody production. Symptoms commonly found are fatigue, headache, joint pain or swelling, fever, anemia, chest pain during deep breathing, malar rash (butterfly-like pattern red rash), photosensitivity, hair loss / baldness, unusual bleeding, pale or bluish fingers when exposed to cold, and thrust in mouth or nasal scabs.
An early detection by Periksa Lupus Sendiri (SALURI) (Self-examination of Lupus) is believed to be able to detect Lupus cases as early as possible. All suspected patients can do it by themselves, so they could receive the treatment immediately. (Wiwin/IRO_intepreted by Leo)