UGM Encourages the Elimination of Gender-Based Sexual Violence on University

FK-KMK UGM. The issue of sexual violence at universities requires special attention since it affects the quality of learning, which in turn has an impact on human development. There needs to be a commitment and serious steps in preventing and handling sexual violence on campus.

Universitas Gadjah Mada stated its commitment in the Opening of the 2024 Conference on Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence with the theme “Sexual Violence in Universities: Investigating Root Cause Problem, Prevention, and Responses” which was held on Wednesday (24/07) at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK), UGM. The commitment was conveyed by the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D., in her greeting and keynote speeches at the national conference.

“The university has a mandate to create graduates and excellent human resources with an attitude for future development. We all agree that situations of sexual violence on university violate ethical behavior and cannot be ignored untreated.,” explained Prof. Ova.

Prof. Ova, who previously served as Dean of FK-KMK in 2016-2021, said that FK-KMK already has a professional behavior committee and in 2018 declared education in the FK-KMK environment. This declaration was raised to the university level and became part of the Health Promoting University (HPU) program.

UGM also conducts regular surveys related to sexual violence, and collaborates with various external institutions. Prof. Ova said the main objective of this effort is to create an academic environment that is safe and free from violence, including gender-based sexual violence, with a focus on training students to understand and avoid sexual violence during the academic process.

“So during the new student orientation week, an understanding of what is meant by sexual violence is integrated so that they can avoid it (acts of sexual violence), as well as when they are going to KKN,” said Prof. Ova.

The conference also presented representatives from the Deputy for Human Development, Society, and Culture of Bappenas, representatives of the Australian Embassy, ​​Inspector General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research and Technology, and representatives of Universitas Hasanuddin. This activity is one of the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals or Sustainable Development Goals, namely SDG 3 Healthy and Prosperous Life, SDG 4 Quality Education, SDG 5 Gender Equality, SDG 10 Reduced Inequality, and SDG 17 Partnership for the Goal (Fauziah).