The Teams of Faculty of Medicine Won the SIMPIC Competition

FM-UGM. Faculty of Medicine got the achievement in competition Siriraj International Parasitology and Microbiology-Immunology Competition (SIMPIC) 2017 held on 24-27 February 2017 at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand. The team was lead by dr. Tri Authority, PhD., Dr. Rina Susilowati, PhD., Dr. Nuryastuti point, MSi., PhD., And dr. Elsa Herdiana, Kes., PhD,  entered the final round and won the competition.

The first team consisted of Maria Fransisca Pudjohartono, Jessica, Audric Kenny Tedja, and Marcellus succeed the second winner, while the second team consisting of Widyan Anantawikrama son, Danny Pramana Agus Wahyudi, I Putu Wijaya Aditio Artayasa and Wynne had to stop on semifinal round. In the individual awards, Maria Fransisca Pudjohartono successfully obtained the gold medal. And for the bronze medal won by Kenny Audric Tedja, Marcellus and Wynne Wijaya.

Faculty of Medicine’s participation in this prestigious competition is one way to measure capacity in the international race. In 2012, the Faculty of Medicine sent a team of four students and two lecturers. On that occasion, the Faculty of Medicine team made succeed the 8 biggest round.

In 2014, Faculty of Medicine also became the first winner which got a gold medal, aside the second winner was Chiang Mai University, and this winner was Khon Kaen University. At that time Faculty of Medicine competed with universities from Australia, Japan, Taiwan, China, Thailand, and Malaysia. One of the students of Faculty of Medicine also was second winner best of all participants. In 2015, a team of Faculty of Medicine succeeded in occupying the third best individual score. Whereas in 2016, after competing with more than 30 participating countries, Faculty of Medicine UGM won one gold medal and two silver medals in Individual Achievement category.

Various achievements of Faculty of Medicine is expected to create potential and spirit of students and the faculty itself, particularly the Science of Microbiology, Parasitology, and Immunology to compete in the international competition. In addition, the activities of the competition are also expected to motivate the lecturer staff in order to improve the quality of international standard by improving and exposure the microbiology, immunology and parasitology field. (Nindi / Contributor); (Megawangi/Translator).