The Researcher Solution in University

The First National Forum Management Research Institute in Indonesia: Leadership and Reinforcement Management Research Institute in Indonesia

FM-UGM. The researchers in university in Indonesia required improving the performance which measured by some indicator, for example, the number of international paper publication that has a good reputation. One of the challenges is there is no carrier level research in the university. Thus, the researchers who want to develop their career in the university should be a lecturer, who has a responsibility to do Tri Dharma of University. In addition, the consequences they should manage their time to research, education, and community service, and some administration stuff. It caused their time and power limited. So, it needs an innovation to increase the researcher’s performance, especially in university.

Faculty of Medicine UGM did some effort to increase the researcher’s performance, such as by developing some schema of research and publication grant, management capacity, and leadership in the research institute. The leadership is needed to bring the research institute to international competitive. The leadership is also needed to encourage the researchers to work interdisciplinary, so it can research the complex things.

Support in research management is indispensable to make sure that the grant proposals which are complied with the increasingly complex administrative requirements of international competitive grant schemes, to make sure that the research which was done by appropriate regulation thus could be responsible, and to make sure the result well disseminated and give more benefit.

Those things were the reason this National Forum Management Research Institute in Indonesia has been held on 15 May 2017 in Auditorium Faculty of Medicine UGM. It initiated by Faculty of Medicine collaborating with Directorate of Research UGM, Directorate of Human Resources UGM, Center for Innovation and Academic Studies UGM, Center for Policy and Health Management of Faculty of Medicine, DFAT and LH Martin Institute – University of Melbourne. Also,  Dr. M. Dimyati as Director General of Research Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education The Republic of Indonesia and Budiati Prasetiamartati, Ph.D.  as Knowledge Sector Initiative. (Dian / IRO)

Material Speaker

  1. National Research Landscape and Research Development Strategy

(Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, Director General of Research Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education The Republic of Indonesia)

  1. Diagnostic Study: The Obstacles of Research in Universities in Indonesia

(BudiatiPrasetiamartati KSI / DFAT)

  1. Need for Development of Research Management

 (dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, MSc. Ph.D)

  1. Support Structures

(Prof Sri Raharjo, Direktorat Penelitian UGM)

  1. Institutional Research and Innovation Capacity, Executive Leadership

(dr. Budi Wiweko, Sp.OG (K), MPH – Research Manager Faculty of Medicine UI)

  1. Research Institution and Leadership Framework

(Asa Olsson, LH Martin Institute (LHMI) University of Melbourne)

  1. Leadership and Management Research and future challenges for research institutes in Higher Education

(Prof.dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, MSc. Ph.D. and dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Ph.D.)