Summer Course 2019 : Integration of Emergency Case Management

FK-KMK UGM. Emergency is a life threatening condition and requires immediate help. Every year, more than five million people die due to emergency cases, such as traffic accidents, violence, and other causes of injury. As a result, millions of people become disabled and lose economic productivity. According to data from WHO, 11% of the total global burden of diseases are caused by injuries. So far, 90% of deaths and disability due to injuries occur in low and middle income countries. According to The World Bank, In the late 90’s, Indonesia had succesfully transitioned from low income to middle income level.

Indonesia is an agrarian country, where most of the population are farmers. In terms of agricultural intensification, pesticides are an option used by farmers. Chronic exposure pesticides can effect to The Silent Emergency conditions, and occurs in Ngablak District, Magelang. Data in the Ngablak District previously showed a significant relationship between the level of pesticide poisoning with cognitive adults and children, tremor events, and neuropathy. The impact of Silent Emergency condition felt will be far greater for the community.

The Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FK-KMK) with the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM held a Summer Course 2019 in Interprofessional Health Care: Emergency and Trauma Care to support innovative integration of cross-disciplinary programs in providing advocacy and implementing integrated health services for emergency and trauma cases.

This Summer Course was attended by 61 participants consisting of 27 UGM students, and 34 participants from various overseas partner universities, such as: International Medical University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ramathibodi School of Nursing, Mahidol University, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, University of Medicine Pham Ngoc Thach, Manila Central University, Eberhard Karls University, and Universiti Putra Malaysia.

For 1 week, participants get class from UGM lecturers and overseas partner lecturers. In the second week, participants will get cross-disciplinary community health, learning in the districts of Grabag, Ngablak, Pakis, Tegalrejo, Salaman 1, Borobudur, Secang 1, and Bandongan. At that locations, participants will participate in some activities according to operational working hours at the Puskesmas, as well as field activities such as posyandu, counseling, and school activities. Through this activity, participants can understand cases of emergencies, trauma or the silent emergency, especially in the dominant group of workers in Indonesia. (Reporter: Wiwin/IRO. Translator: Vania/IRO)