Optimizing the Role of Government in the program area JKN

FK-UGM. Financing Policy and Management Center for Health Insurance (KP-MAK) Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada Seminar Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in 2017 in the Senate Chamber Building Auditorium of the Faculty (25/3).

Assistant Vice Dean for Research, Dr. dr. Niken Trisnowati, M.Sc., Sp.KK. in his speech, the National Health assurance (JKN) is a program of the government to provide or meet basic health needs of the people of Indonesia. Since 2014 JKN is already perceived by society, such as access to health so better. However, it can not be denied in practice there kekurangsempurnaan, such as problems of local government role in the implementation of this JKN. Expected are synergies between local government and central government in the implementation JKN JKN itself, so that later to create a harmonious whole.

“It has been ongoing since January 1, 2014 implementation of the National Health Insurance (JKN). In Indonesia, we already have a road map that will be in 2019 for achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). If only BPJS alone, I think a little trouble. We have already reached 80% for the fulfillment of the public BPJS but the rest is secondary. The difficulty, of middle general public is not in contact with the bank, usually more towards the informal sector. This is where the role of local government in mobilizing them. According to WHO, Indonesia with seven countries that play a major role in drafting a UN resolution to support the UHC. UHC is aimed at increasing access, improving quality, equity, equality, efficiency of overall data of Indonesian society, and sustainability, “said Director General of Higher Education Science and Technology Resources, Prof. dr. Ali Gufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D in a seminar titled ‘Optimizing the Role of local governments in support of Accelerate Achievement of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN)’.

Furthermore, Prof. Ali Ghufron said that the role of regional governments in basic services such as health should be based on the principles of accountability, efficiency, and externalities impact on anyone. According to the Ministry of Health, local governments, provinces, counties and cities are responsible for both health facilities health centers or hospitals.

“The role of local government is actually no regulations governing, namely the role of local government in terms of qualitative or quantitative in achieving this JKN. Conditions of this JKN revenue side, the role of local government is public participation and finance from the revenue side. The hope is no regulation of the local government to achieve UHC, “concludes Esq. Armansyah, MPPM Center for Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health. (Mega / Reporter)