Opening of Guest Lecture and Visiting Professor of the Department of Radiology

FK-KMK UGM. The Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) Universitas Gadjah Mada held an opening activity for guest lectures on Friday (26/07) at the Auditorium of the Tahir Building, 1st Floor, FK-KMK UGM.

This activity carries the theme “A Catch Up in Radiology: Practical Guide during Residency” and presents two international speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Hamzaini bin Abdul Hamid, Sp.Rad from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia and Dr. Ramdas Senasi from Hull University Teaching Hospital, England. The second speaker is a pediatric radiology specialist. This activity will take place from 25 July – 5 August 2024 and will be held in mixed methods both online and offline.

The opening of the guest lecture activities began with the opening speech from dr. Yoyo Suhoyo, M.Med.Ed. Ph.D representing the FK-KMK dean who conveyed his congratulations for participating in the guest lecture activity. The second opening speech was delivered by dr. Yana Supriatna, Ph.D, Sp.Rad(K) as the Head of the Department of Radiology. In his speech, dr. Yana conveyed his welcome and at the same time conveyed a message to the participants to gain more knowledge in this activity. “Keep learning, don’t be satisfied with what you know,” said dr. Yana.

In the opening speech delivered by Dr. Ramdas with the topic “A World Beyond Radiology: The Unforeseen Opportunities and Lessons for Success”, he emphasized the importance of exploring opportunities outside the field of radiology to gain experience and insight.

In addition, Dr. Ramdas also said that every failure is an effort to improve oneself to become better. Ramdas said, “Every failure is a challenge. It’s an extra piece of armor. Thank you very much for this failure. It’s a lesson in life. I now learn, keep pushing forward.”

This opening was continued with a case study presented by Dr. Ramdas and Prof. Hamzaini. This activity is also part of the strategy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially SDG 3 Healthy and Prosperous Life, SDG 4 Quality Education, and SDG 17 Partnership for the goals (Fauziah).

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