Need National Coalition to Prevent and Control of Antibiotic Resistance

FK-UGM. On Saturday (25/3) was held a national seminar ‘Use of Drugs / Antibiotics Rationalby the Community ‘. Kagame seminar organized by the Faculty of Medicine in collaboration with the International Network of Rational Drug Use (INRUD) Indonesia. The seminar was followed by a variety of health professions, health care providers, academicians, community development activists, and the public. Acting as moderator was Prof. Sri Suryawati, policy experts and drug management WHO Geneva.

In the introductory seminar, Dr. Budiono Santoso, SpFK., PhD. convey the importance of sustainable strategy of all stakeholders, in order to upya prevention and control of antibiotic resistance achieved the expected results. Doctoral Widayati Aris, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sanata Dharma presented research results related to public perceptions of the use of antibiotics. The results of this study are very important to understand the problem so that it can determine the right strategy for community empowerment. Doctoral Rustamaji, UGM Community devotion expert explained the importance of doing a community service that is responsible, which is using a strategy that has proven effective and implemented on a wide scale is measured.

Of elements of the health profession, Dr. Sunartono, Kes. of the Indonesian Doctors Association of Regional explained the important role of doctors as ‘patient educator’ to use drugs rationally. Indonesian Pharmacist Association Central Board explained the strategic role of the pharmacist profession rational use of medicines and IAI programs for prevention and control of antibiotic resistance. Exposure of the material covered by Dra. Detty Yuliati, Director of Pharmaceutical Services Ministry of Health, which in the period of the last decade has organized community empowerment programs for rational drug use.

The seminar concluded with a panel discussion led by Prof. Dr. Suryawati. Forum concludes that the irrational use of drugs is one of the causes of antibiotic resistance. Related knowledge required public perception of the drug / antibiotic, in order to have the appropriate intervention strategies. Large scale community empowerment should use strategies that have proven effective form of rational usage behavior. Health professions is a very important change agent. Empowerment requires the cooperation of all parties.

Seminar recommends three crucial issues, namely the continuous action of all stakeholders, ongoing communication among stakeholders, and coordination, synergy and sustainable coalitions among stakeholders. The seminar also recommended periodic evaluation to measure achievement and strengthen prevention and control strategy of antibiotic resistance.

To that end, INRUD-Indonesia and Kagame-Medicine invite all stakeholders to Unite in the National Coalition for Prevention and Control of Antimicrobial Resistance. (Source: dr. Rustamaji)