Innovation of Provitamin D3 Lotion on Pruritus in Chronic Kidney Failure

FK-KMK UGM. Pruritus or itching is often complained of by chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis. This condition, which is very disturbing and affects the quality of life of patients, can be caused by xerosis and vitamin D insufficiency. This is the basis for Dr. dr. Arum Krismi, M.Sc., Sp.KK to research the effectiveness of lotion enriched with provitamin D3 on reducing the intensity of pruritus in her dissertation.

The dissertation entitled “Effectivity and Pharmacological Basis of Lotion Enriched with Provitamin D3 to Reduce the Intensity of Pruritus in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Routine Hemodialysis” was defended before the examiners in an open examination on Wednesday (07/08) at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

In her dissertation, Dr. Arum stated that the lotion developed could be an option in the management of chronic kidney failure with pruritus complaints. This is because it contains provitamin D3 which is more moisturizing to the skin compared to lotions that do not contain provitamin D3.

“As I found in this study, the addition of provitamin D3 can increase hydration of the stratum corneum more significantly,” explained Dr. Arum. This increase in hydration of the stratum corneum can reduce the intensity of pruritus. The results of the study also revealed that this lotion is safe for use in patients with chronic kidney disease pruritus undergoing routine hemodialysis.

The research conducted by Dr. Arum is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 3 concerning a Healthy and Prosperous Life. With innovation to overcome the problem of pruritus in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis, this lotion enriched with provitamin D3 provides an innovative solution to improve the quality of life of patients.

Dr. dr, Arum Krismi, M.Sc., Sp.KK was declared to have graduated with cum laude predicate under the guidance of Prof. Dr. dr. Yohanes Widodo Wirohadidjojo, Sp.DVE, Subsp. OBK as promoter and Prof. Dr. med.dr. Retno Danarti, Sp.DVE, Subsp.DA and Dr. dr. Ida I Dewa Putu Pramantara Setiabudi, Sp.PD-KGer as co-promoter (Fauziah).

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