Hemovigilance, First Transfusion Risk Data in Indonesia

FK-UGM. The Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine UGM launched the Hemovigilance website as the first blood transfusion risk surveillance database in Indonesia on Tuesday (15/8) in Joglosemar 2015 at the event “The 9th Continuing Professional Development on Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine” (CPD CPLM) Joglosemar 2017.  “Risk Rate Blood transfusion in Yogyakarta about 0.24 percent. This indeed impressed a small number, but must be followed up because of the associated patient safety “, said Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Dr. Teguh Triyono, SpPK (K) on the sidelines of the event.

Hemovigilance is a new system built to help manage the incidence of transfusion reactions that have been lacking the attention of many people. Fever, allergies, nausea, chills to shock or fainting are mentioned as a side effect arising from blood transfusions.

“With this web, we will develop a system of alerts related to risk-averse efforts. Of course this is important to determine the follow-up of patients who experience exposure to transfusion risk. Later, there will be data, analysis and national recommendations that have not been there, “he added.

The Hemovigilance working system certainly does not stand alone. The Clinical Pathology Department of UGM Faculty of Medicine also cooperates with Dr. Sardjito, Association of Indonesian Blood Transfusion Doctors, Medical Doctor Specialist Association of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Indonesia (PDS PatKLIn), and the Ministry of Health’s Blood Services Committee.

In 2017, Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine UGM to host CPD CPLM Jogjlosemar on 14-16 August followed by approximately 328 participants all over Indonesia. The event that is held regularly every year begins with workshop activities. While for the second and third day contains a presentation of the latest themes related to laboratory medical services.

The demand to keep patients current and safe for patients should be more precise or accurate. Therefore, the role of diagnostic modalities becomes very important.

“What the organizing committee is doing is very valuable. Of cooperation among specialists increasingly necessary, because in the medical world there is no warrior alone. All done together, “the message Dean of Faculty of Medicine UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., PhD., SpOG (K) when opening the first day workshop on Monday (14/8) at the Auditorium building of Faculty of Medicine UGM.