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UGM Hosts the 3rd Asian Nursing Conference (ACiNE)

Good communication among health professionals is necessary for the development of current health care. Health professionals must be open-minded to avoid any superiority complex among each other. Interprofessional Education (IPE) presents as a solution to such problem by introducing students to working with different professions as soon as they enter health-related school since they would be expected to be able to work with other health professions after they graduate. This program is also recommended by WHO to be applied to all health institution worldwide. Hence, the 3rd Asian Conference in Nursing Education (ACiNE) was held with theme “Optimizing Interprofessional Education to Improve Health Care Quality” on 18th – 20th April 2018 at Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta.

ACiNE is an Asian nursing conference event conducted every two years. 2018 marked its third year after being held in Thailand and Taiwan. This year, Indonesia – particularly Universitas Gadjah Mada – was given the privilege to be the host. Opened by the rector of UGM Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng D.Eng, this event was preceded by pre-congress activities held on 17th April 2018. Four themes were discussed in pre-congress: “Drama in Education”, “Developing EBP into Nursing Curriculum”, “Breastfeeding: How to Translate Health Policy into Curriculum”, and “Developing Interprofessional Education”. The event was continued with keynote speaker, plenary session, and oral presentation for three days.

This year’s ACiNE was attended by hundreds of participants from various countries, such as Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and many more, with Taiwan managed to bring participants with the most amount. Chairman of the ACiNE committee, Lely Lusmilasari, S.Kp., M.Kes., Ph.D. stated that there were about 350 participants attending the conference. In the There were 352 successfully-accepted abstracts in the abstract collection process. However, after being selected, only 165 participants who could proceed to present their work orally while 94 participants proceeded to present their work through scientific posters.

Speakers for this event also came from various countries, including Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Sweden, Netherland, and Taiwan. Prof. Fan-Hao Chou, Ph.D, chairman of the Taiwan Association of Nursing Education (TANE) also seen attending the event. He was pleased to be involved and hoped that with this activity, the relationship among nursing education institutions could become closer.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Institutions (AIPNI), Dr. Muhammad Hadi, SKM., M.Kep. said that AIPNI also supported this event as a facility for Indonesian nursing education institution to know the management of nursing education in other countries. He hoped that in the future, the quality of nursing education in Indonesia could be improved and they could compete internationally. (Rasyid/interpreted by Leo)

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