FKKMK UGM Gets the First Place in 2018 SIMPIC

The contingent of FKKMK UGM won the first place in an international competition, Siriraj International Microbiology-Parasitology and Immunology Competition (SIMPIC) 2018 on Monday (19/3) at University of Mahidol, Bangkok, Thailand.

Held on the 7th year, the competition was participated by 61 teams across the countries around the world. FKKMK UGM had the opportunity to send two teams to take part at this competition. The first team consisted of Marcellus, Wynne Wijaya, Audric Kenny Tedja, and Hana Fauzyyah Hanifin, while the second one consisted of I Putu Aditio Artayasa, Maria Patricia Inggriani, Amelia Nur Khasanah, and Annisa Fajriani. Through the competition, they were mentored by dr. Didik Setyo Heriyanto, PhD and dr. Rina Susilowati, PhD.

After a series of preliminary rounds, the first team succeeded to the final round and achieved the ‘team award’. Having the final score of 68.40, the aforementioned team beat DeLa Salle Health Sciences Institute-Filipina with score of 38.40, University of Indonesia with score of 32.64, and host team, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, University of Mahidol with score of 28.16. On the other hand, three students from FKKMK UGM won the bronze medal in individual award category. They are Audric Kenny Tedja, I Putu Aditio Artayasa, and Maria Patricia Inggriani.

“Last year, we only managed to win the second place in SIMPIC 2017 competition. Of course it encouraged us more to achieve the first place this year, and finally we attained that”, said Marcellus on Wednesday (21/3) at FKKMK UGM.

A lot of preparations have been done by FKKMK UGM contingent since December 2017. During the preparation, both teams got intensively training from dr. Rina Susilowati, PhD; dr. E. Elsa Herdiana, MKes, PhD; Prof. dr. Tri Wibawa, PhD and dr. Titik Nuryastuti, MSi, PhD.

When asked about his hopes and expectations, Marcellus said “For the next competition, the contingent of FKKMK UGM must be able to maintain this achievement. The thing is, they have to be optimistic and have a good preparation. There are many materials to be learned, especially related to infectious disease. All teams should master that”. (interpreted by Leo\pictures: courtesy by Student Affairs)