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FK-KMK Researchers Study Molecular Diagnostics at the World Level

Foto: dr. Nungki Anggorowati, SpPA (urutan keempat dari kanan depan) sedang berfoto bersama peserta pelatihan, UK, (17/10/2019)

FK-KMK UGM. Researcher in the Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM, dr. Nungki Anggorowati, Sp. PA., had the opportunity to participate in a world-class molecular diagnostic and research training program, held by the Nottingham-Indonesia Collaboration in Cancer Research and Training (NICCRAT), in the United Kingdom, 21 September – 17 October 2019.

One of the FK-KMK UGM researchers with expertise in Medical Oncology, dr. Susanna Hilda Hutajulu, Sp.PD., Ph.D., stated that the training program that was held was a great opportunity to study diagnostic governance and molecular research at a world-class center. “Hopefully this NICCRAT initiation can unite many Indonesian educational institutions with the University of Nottingham, and will attract the attention and support of donor agencies to stimulate collaboration in training and research to get clear benefits for health services,” she said. As one of the main partners in the NICCRAT initiative, dr. Susanna also stated that NICCRAT had submitted several research grants to implement molecular diagnostic tests developed in the Indonesian clinical environment.

For 4 weeks, the Molecular Pathology Research Group, led by Professor Mohammad Ilyas, from the School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, provided in-depth training on Molecular Diagnostics for Precision Medicine: Development and Clinical Application, as part of a portfolio of activities with the Indonesian Institute.

“We are very happy that our Indonesian colleagues chose Nottingham for this training. This is part of a large portfolio of activities between us and colleagues in Indonesia that we hope will result in a two-way exchange of knowledge and innovation in the field of molecular pathology,” said Prof. Ilyas.

Participation in this training program is fully funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) through the Research and Innovation Project in Science and Technology (Research-Pro) scheme. FK-KMK UGM had the opportunity to be part of ten other delegations from Indonesia, including LIPI, University Indonesia (UI), and Muhammadiyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP), and was led by Dr. Wien Kusharyoto from the Biotechnology Research Center, University Indonesia.

“This course gives us in-depth knowledge of principles and methodologies that can assist our research in developing new molecular diagnostics for infectious and non-communicable diseases. We also want to develop collaborative research with the University of Nottingham, specifically in the molecular diagnosis of cancer for implementation in Indonesia, “he said.

In the first week, the delegates attended the Molecular Diagnostics Training School and Image Analysis Training School (delivered by The Nottingham Molecular Pathology Node (NMPN) and supported by The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland and several industry sponsors). At the training, they met Prof. Jo Martin, President of the Royal College of Pathologists in England. In the following weeks, the delegates participated in home tutorial activities, which included cancer theory, bioinformatics and experimental design and hands-on practical molecular engineering sessions in the laboratory. The course closes with training in research governance and communication skills.

The next training activity will be held in 2020. In fact, in December 2019, the Department of Anatomy Pathology, FK-KMK UGM will partner with NICCRAT to provide a Diagnostic Pathology Masterclass in Gastrointestinal Disease. During that same month, the INDiPath (Indonesia Digital Pathology) project will begin by collaborating with IPAI, a Jordanian AI and start-up technology, 4 low-cost digital scanners will be used on 3 islands in Indonesia (Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi) which allow four laboratory pathology is digitally connected to the NMPN. (Contributor; Photo: personal doc.)

Photo caption: dr. Nungki Anggorowati, Sp. PA (fourth from right front) is taking a photo with the trainees, United Kingdom (10/17/2019)

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