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Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM

Celebrating its 72nd anniversary, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (Fakultas Kedokteran = FK UGM) reintroduced its brand new name, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat, dan Keperawatan = FKKMK UGM).

“This change is an effort of FKKMK UGM to embrace various disciplines to be more developed and to keep up-to-date with today’s condition,” explained Dean Prof. Ova Emilia in joint press conference with the Chairman of Academic Senate Prof. M. Juffrie and Chief of 72nd Faculty’s Anniversary Prof. Budi Yuli Setianto on Monday (5th of March).  “Through this celebration, FKKMK UGM has proved of an ability of working joint committee, supported by various disciplines” added Budi Yuli.

The senate chairman of FKKMK UGM, Prof. dr. Mohammad Juffrie, Sp.A(K)., Ph.D also declared that this transition was a very important momentum for FKKMK UGM’s future strategic plan. “This name is hopefully able to reflect all academic processes and issues in FKKMK. This change also has to accommodate the needs of all parties in it.” he said.  This institutional name change is a rule which was already written on Organizational Structure and Governance (SOTK) UGM.  Formally, the transition from FK UGM to FKKMK UGM had been stipulated in a UGM board of trustees’ regulation no. 3 year 2017 concerning third change of board of trustees’ mandate no. 4/SK/MWA/2014 regarding organization and governance of UGM.“Name change and SOTK are very dynamic, continually adapting to institution’s needs.” Juffrie stated. (interpreted by Leo\photographer Wiwin)

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