International Undergraduate Program


High-quality training in academics, medical skills, and soft skills provided for 5.5 years has led the doctors from Gajah Mada University to work interprofessional, skilled in emergency response and disaster conditions, and always up to date.

The international program at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM is designed to educate doctors who are professional, adaptive, humanist, and visionary. High-quality training in academics, medical skills, and soft skills provided for 5.5 years has led the doctors from Gajah Mada University to work interprofessional, skilled in emergency response and disaster conditions, and always up to date. In addition, students are allowed to enrich their knowledge related to the development of information technology in the industrial revolution era.

Various elective modules are provided to increase students’ global insight and exposure to internationalization. Our collaboration with many partner universities worldwide allows students to complete the obligations of IUP students to take courses abroad for one semester during the last semester. Students also have many opportunities to deepen their understanding of research and apply it in real research projects. The academic atmosphere at FK-KMK supports internationalization by organizing summer and winter courses, inviting visiting professors from diverse expertise, and participating in various medical student organizations at the local, regional, national, and international levels.

In addition to having a global perspective, every graduate of Gadjah Mada University must have a concern for improving the health and welfare of the community. Therefore, the School of Medicine’s students learn in the Community and Family Health Care program with students from the Nursing and Health Nutrition study program for seven semesters and participate in Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) to get closer to the community improve interprofessional collaboration skills.

All academic activities in the International Program, including lectures, tutorials, biomedical laboratory activities, assignments, and examinations, are conducted in English except for patient and field-related activities.

Updated 15 January 2025 


Application fees

Remarks NationalityFee
For Indonesian studentsRp. 2.250.000,00
For non – Indonesian studentsUSD $ 225*

*Exclude transfer rate fee

Tuition fees (Uang Kuliah Tunggal) academic year 2024/2025

Remarks NationalityFee
For Indonesian studentsRp. 45.000.000,00
For non – Indonesian studentsRp. 65.000.000,00

Exclude Elective Overseas Program

Institutional Development Fee (Iuran Pengembangan Institusi – IPI)

Remarks NationalityFee
For Indonesian studentsRp. 50.000.000,00
For non – Indonesian studentsRp. 50.000.000,00

Admission Timeline

Admission Period
 1st Intake (OFFLINE TEST)2nd Intake (ONLINE TEST)3rd Intake (OFFLINE TEST)
Application Period14 January – 18 February 202510 April – 14 May 202517 June – 21 July 2025
Payment PeriodRefer to the payment code
Admission Test  Phase 1*
(GMST and AcEPT)
Thursday – Friday, 27 – 28 February 2025To be informedTo be informed
Admission Test Phase 2**
(Interview, MMPI, and SJT)
Saturday, 1 March 2025To be informedTo be informed
Result NotificationThursday, 6 March 2025To be informedTo be informed

*The result of phase 1 will be announced in the website
**Only for those who pass the GMST and AcEPT


Information :

Admission link:

Admission Procedures

  1. Sign up an application account at
  2. Complete the online application form and upload the following documents (minimum 200 kb and maximum 800 kb):
For applicants who graduated in 2024 and 2023For applicants who will be graduated in 2025
Colored PhotographColored Photograph
ID Card (SIM/KTP/Passport/student card)ID Card (SIM/KTP/Passport/student card)
High school graduation certificate or SAT or A-Level certificateHigh school graduation certificate or SAT or A-Level certificate
Academic Transcript of first semester until last grades or National Examination Final Score transcript (SKHUN)Academic Transcript of first semester until last grades and letter of enrollment grade 12 from school
Health CertificatesHealth Certificates
Certificate regarding color visionCertificate regarding color vision
Certificate of National and/or International awards in academic or non academic (sport championship/performing art championship (if any)Certificate of National and/or International awards in academic or non academic (sport championship/performing art championship (if any)
A Statement of Document Authenticity and Financial Guarantee Letter (download here)A Statement of Document Authenticity and Financial Guarantee Letter (download here)

3. Pay non refundable application fee via Multi-Payment System, as mentioned in your application account.

4. Admission Card can be printed on the day as mentioned in your application account (step 7).


The committee can disqualify the participant if the documents do not match the requirements.
Indonesian Candidates
  • Graduates of the last three years
  • Indonesian High school qualification (Exact Sciences/IPA) or
  • A-Level qualification

*Compulsory subjects are Biology and Chemistry

Overseas Candidates
  • Maximum age is 25 years old on 18th of May for each admission period.
  • Certificate of National and/or International awards in academic or non academic (sport championship/performing art championship (if any)
  • STPM qualification with minimum CGPA 3.00 (in 4.00 scales) / 3B for science subjects* or
  • Pre-Medical qualification with minimum CGPA 3.00 (in 4.00 scales)* or
  • Foundation Programme/A-Level or equivalent qualification (Canadian Pre-University, South Australian Matriculation, Canadian International Matriculation Program, Monash University Foundation Year, University Foundation Studies for New South Wales, A-Level, Higher Education Certificate of Tamilnadu, India)*

           *all certificates are in english

Test Scheme

Test Scheme
PhaseTestTest Material
Phase 1Gadjah Mada Scholastic Test (GMST)Verbal, Quantitative, Reasoning
 Academic English Proficiency Test (AcEPT)Listening, Structure, Reading
Phase 2Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

(Only for those who pass the GMST and AcEPT)

Situational Judgement Test (SJT)